At one time I had thought to leave home a day before the conference and
wander about on the way there. In the end, however, I opted to spend the
day between the
Horse show and the LHA conference recuperating and just head out early
on Monday. That worked out fine and I made it to the
Elkhart in plenty of time. I don't normally show interiors of chains
but this is enough notches above my normal sleeping arrangements that I've
made an exception.
The site of the opening reception for the conference was a bit up the road
at Wellfield
Botanical Gardens. The name comes from the fact that it is literally a
field of wells that currently provides about 60% of Elkhart's water
supply. After partaking in of the tasty hors d'oeuvre style spread, I
started to walk around the inviting park when I heard the beginnings of
the official part of the evening.
My seat was not well positioned for photographing the speakers but I did
manages pictures of Elkhart Mayor Rod Roberson and LHA President Kay
Shelton Kozak. I caught Kay in the middle of seeking out State Directors.
Once the speeches and announcements were complete, I returned to looking
over the gardens and completed a circuit of the main path. It really is a
beautiful place with several unique bridges, delightful water features,
and eye-catching sculptures.