Without the press of time, I meandered way toward Rising Sun, Indiana. As
the clock moved in on 11:00, I realized I'd need to find breakfast pretty
soon or switch my stomach's expectations to lunch. That's precisely when I
spotted the Round Table's "breakfast anytime" sign. The
restaurant has been operating in Cleves, Ohio, since 1961 and is certainly
a diner in spirit if not in structure. There is a counter with a few
stools and a "liar's table" with its group of locals. The Tiger
Woods "I am so sorry" press conference came on while I was there
and they had a field day with that. All my neighbors know what
is but folks outside of the Cincinnati area might not. It is a meat and
oatmeal mixture usually eaten at breakfast. I've eaten plenty of goetta
but had never had a goetta & cheese omelet
before today. Good eating.
I was on the way to Rising Sun to see Josh Hisle and to sleep in an old hotel. Josh isn't
exactly a blues musician but there has been some recent chatter about him
in the Cincinnati blues Yahoo group. I knew this was someone I wanted to
see and some of the chatter involved an upcoming performance in Rising
Sun. I remembered my
stop there last
summer and the historic hotel I'd been introduced to. I definitely
intended to stay there some day but was really thinking more about June or
July than February. Oh well. The roads were reportedly clear and above
freezing temperature were even predicted. Why not?
I eventually reached Aurora, Indiana, and grabbed a shot of
Hillforest in the
snow. The home turned museum is supposedly closed January through March
but those long tall steps have obviously been cleared recently. I guess it
took a field of white to make me see the tunnels on Aurora's west edge.
I've driven by here too many times to count but had never noticed them.
Today I could,'t miss them. I know absolutely nothing about them and
didn't uncover anything in a brief web search. Another item for the
research list. I photographed the tunnels from the park across the street
then turned around for the shot of the Ohio River.
It was easy to understand why the fountain wasn't spouting today. I wonder
if they ever got it working. Just like Aurora, Rising Sun has an ample
supply of snow covered riverside picnic tables.
I'd made reservations just up the street at the
Empire House
Hotel. The building started out around 1816 as a home and general
store. The second floor soon became a Masonic Lodge meeting place and
gatherings of the Tippecanoe Club occurred there in 1840. Sometime before
the nineteenth century ended, it became a hotel and, after many ups and
downs, remodelings, and name changes, that's what it is today. Marsha
Louden owns and operates the hotel while her friend, Beth, operates the
River Star restaurant in the building's south end.
Marsha had just arrived from her other life as a school teacher when I
pulled up. I had reserved one of the lower-priced no-river-view rear rooms
but, for reasons that involved unexpected arrivals but which I didn't quite
understand, was upgraded to the front room on the
first floor.
Understanding things like free upgrades is not required. The second
picture is the view from my room and the third is the view from my dinner
table with lasagna, the day's special, awaiting.
Josh Hisle's
current "job" is as half of the duo Lost in Holland and that's
the name used on posters and signs for tonight's event at Rockies Bar
& Grill. But it was a whole lot more than that. Lost in Holland is
about to head out on the road and tonight was partly a shake-down for them
but it was also part reunion and part showcase for a variety of musicians
with a Josh Hisle connection.
Josh and Dixon
Creasy call themselves Salt Fork Revival when they perform together as
they did to open things tonight. After a half-dozen or so songs, drummer
Dan Jarvis joined them and things got a little louder. For the last song
of the set, a fiery version of Hendrix's Voodoo Child,
Ronstadt, the other half of Lost in Holland, made the trio a quartet.
No one was quite sure what to call either the three piece or the four
piece other than damned good.
The music never stopped for any length of time and Josh got his only real
break of the evening when a friend from a bit north in Lake Santee,
Indiana, took the stage. Tom Riggs may have calmed things down ever so slightly
from the preceding blast but he didn't bring the quality down at all. The
talented singer-songwriter will be back at Rockie's next Thursday, the
This is Lost in Holland, the "headliners".
Josh Hisle is a
former Marine with two tours in Iraq. His guitar kept him sane during that
second tour and caught some attention from CNN, the BBC, and Neil Young.
Ronstadt has a masters from Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music.
He currently lives in Philadelphia and arrived in Cincinnati just today to
begin the next Lost in Holland tour. He's also the nephew of Linda
Ronstadt but I managed to overlook that. There's an incredible amount of
talent, emotion, insight, and energy in this pair.
After the Lost in Holland set and a very short break, the four piece
returned. I finally got a shot of Dan and a little better one of Dixon. I
didn't catch the name of the harmonica player who came on for the last
song of the night. A couple spots in this set deserve mention. One, which
Josh said was for the "buckeyes" in the crowd, started off as
Hang on Sloopy and moved into Twist and Shout before
returning to Sloopy. For those of you who don't know, Hang on
Sloopy is Ohio's
official rock song. Trust me. Until you hear Hang
on Sloopy with a cello break, your life is not complete.
The other song that really caught my ear was opened with a rendition of
the Marines' Hymn in the style of Jimi Hendrix's Star Spangled
Banner at Woodstock. I assume this was the intent but I don't really
know. In any case, it was classy. Josh preceded the first bit of feedback
with "I always pay tribute to my brothers in the ground. Semper
fi". It was a statement, not a fist-pumping shout. The result was
something that paid tribute to all Marines, Jimi Hendrix, rock & roll,
and the USA. That last song with the harmonica added? Keep on Rockin'
in the Free World. Good advise.
ADDENDUM: Feb 21, 2010 - Thanks to Dixon, I now know that the fellow
blowing the harp on the finale was Joe Horn. Nice job Joe.
ADDENDUM: Feb 22, 2010 - Thanks to Josh, I now know that the song with
the Marines' Hymn intro was Sound of My Regret from the
Hearts and Minds CD. The CD itself is currently out of print but
all the music is available through
iTunes. A live version of Sound of My Regret
can be seen and heard