Here's a picture of Alligator Lake as it looks today. The 1920s travelers
camped near here before heading through St. Cloud & Kissimme.
Granny's Letters:
Haines City was next and there are still plenty of orange groves around.
The black and white picture is from American Memory of the Library of Congress. It shows
Haines City's orange groves in 1919.
Three more of the towns visited by Frank & Gertrude. Most Florida
towns they visited seem to have little to connect with the 1920 trip
other than the name and, sometimes, a designated historic district or
museum. These three are no exception.
Towns have grown right up to the border of their neighbor. Dunedin &
Clearwater were visited in 1920 as was St. Petersburg. We missed getting
a picture of St. Pete although it's possible that Harrison's, our
afternoon watering spot, is there.
Granddad & Granny had to return to Lakeland by retracing their path
north of the bay. We cheated and drove straight to Sarasota on the
Sunshine Skyway Bridge. We picked up the original path and proceeded
through Palmetto and Bradenton.
We found the Alafia River but nothing to identify where Granddad &
Granny spent their Christmas eve. The area appears rather industrialized
and several big smoke stacks are visible from the river bank. A park area,
with boat ramp, exists on the north bank and fishing is still quite