Today I started at the beginning. I thought I had done that yesterday but
in rushing into Section #1 I had completely missed the Alex Jordan Center.
The Center offers a continuously running five minute movie about the
history of the House on the Rock. before watching the movie I knew very
little about how it came to be. I knew more afterwards but big blank spots
remained. Without thinking about it too much, I sort of assumed the place
was built by someone who made a fortune in oil or steel or real estate or
something similar then spent his later years as an eccentric collector and
amateur architect. But there was no fortune from a previous career or even
much of a previous career for that matter. Construction of something
started on the site in 1945 and by 1959 enough of the weird structure
existed that people were willing to pay to see it. Admissions enabled
Jordan to build and fill the current attraction but how things were
financed prior to reaching critical mass isn't so clear to me. Displays in
the Center tell about some of the House's contents and history and there
is a brief video on some of the mechanized music makers created for the
House on the Rock.
That's one of those mechanized music makers in the first picture of this
panel on Section #2. There are two star attractions in this section with
much of the space around them filled with things like model ships, a
scrimshaw collection, and other oddities. There are several several music
machines and these are what I found most interesting. These machines don't
just play back recorded sounds like a phonograph or drive a single device
like a music box. They play modified but real instruments mechanically.
Orchestrion might be the right word although that name might be reserved
for a small group of instruments housed in a single unit.
The first star attraction is the whale. It's huge and is being attacked by
an equally huge squid like creature. A ramp -- lined with stuff -- winds
around the battle and offers various views but the space is so filled with
the giant antagonists that capturing the whole scene is impossible. At the
top, where the ramp ends near a model of the Titanic, you're even with the
business end of the whale.
Not all mechanized music makers at the House on the Rock were newly
created. The fourth photo is of a
Hupfeld Phonoliszt Violina from the early twentieth
century. Most of the displayed machines are activated by tokens. You're
handed four when you enter and can purchase more (4/$1) at stations along
the way. Watching and hearing a machine like the Hupfeld is quite the
experience as is watching and hearing a full orchestra like the one in the
next picture. In the orchestra, mechanical fingers
press and pluck the strings or
slide bows across them.
The other star of Section #2 is The World's Largest Carousel. Like the
whale, it's huge plus it's moving and filled with colored lights in a dark
room. Getting decent photographs would take more effort than I was ready
to expend. I don't suppose the animals on the carousel are all that
strange but neither are they bland horses and ponies. The unicorn I
managed to capture is one of the more normal rides available. The one
directly in front of it is a dog. There are also
plenty of bare breasted women on the carousel. That's something I'm
generally in favor of though Jordan's bare breasted
women often have bizarre masks or the heads or lower body parts of
animals. The breasts are always human, though. AFAIK.
With the exception of the open area around the World's Largest Carousel,
passing through Section #2 is like following the path through a fun house.
The path is never as narrow or confined as in a fun house but it does
often wind around in that way that maximizes path length for a given area.
Section #3 would be much like that although it started out in a very large
room where the path was defined by rails rather than walls. That had also
been the case in parts of Section #2 and would be the case elsewhere in
Section #3. The large room contained large things like a couple of
pipe organ consoles and other pipe organ parts
and other items not so easily recognized. My
conscious thoughts were that I was in some sort of steam-punk warehouse or
attic. The Doll Carousel is filled with dolls riding ponies. But, even
with all the cute ponies and all the pretty dolls, the effect was slightly
unnerving. It's a feeling that occurred surprisingly often inside the
House on the Rock. A large number of doll houses are displayed just beyond
the carousel. A "cylinder juke box" stands in the midst of all
those doll houses. I'm sure that's not the right name but I think it fits.
It contains a several audio cylinders in numbered positions on a wheel. I
assume that once upon a time a number could somehow be selected and the
associated cylinder moved into playing position.
Today I could only drop in a token and listen to whatever it played. It
sounded horrible.
The large amount of circus related items on display includes several
diorama style settings like the big top scene pictured. I can't swear that
it's the only name used but the only name I found on any of the items was
Hagenbeck-Wallace. I later determined that
Hagenbeck-Wallace was the name of a very real circus that operated through
the first couple decades of the twentieth century. I don't know whether
the items displayed at the House on the Rock are legitimate memorabilia or
in-house creation but my guess is the latter. I do know that the worst
circus tragedy in history befell the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus in 1918 when
a train wreck killed eighty-six of its members. There is also a full size
circus display with a full size (or larger) circus orchestra.
Here is a section of the orchestra showing some
of the wind instruments. Those white disks in front of the clarinetists'
faces puff out like cheeks when they play though I don't know if that
something purely visual or an important part of the playing mechanism.
There's more to Section #3 including a large gun collection, a large
armor collection, and a few hundred carousel horses hanging on the walls
near one more carousel. This is where the tour
ends and this is the last thing to see before
exiting Section #3.
These are completely out of sequence and maybe completely out of place but
they're of my favorite boat and I'm posting them. I found this
semi-accurate model of the Delta Queen among all those ship models
along the walls in Section #2. The card on her prow says that Jimmy Carter
signed it when he was a passenger on the real Queen in 1979. It
looks like what he did was sign a card that has been affixed to the model
but that's OK.
While at the House on the Rock I heard about an overlook about a mile
north on WI-23. That's the direction I was headed although I probably
would have driven to the overlook in any case. I always wondered what
infinity looked like from the outside.
Not only does Wisconsin's capitol look like a capitol should, it's
positioned so that it looks quite imposing as you drive up to it. Well
done, Wisconsin.
I stopped for the night in Janesville just a short walk from the
Milwaukee Grill
where scanning the menu triggered a more than sixty year old memory. I was
never much of a fisher. The last time I can recall even going fishing was
in my teens and I didn't particularly enjoy it. I do, however, have
earlier memories of fishing and enjoying it immensely. We lived in
Ansonia, Ohio, just a couple hundred yard from the Stillwater River. That
was only a few miles from the source and the river isn't very wide there.
Probably no more than ten yards. Maybe less. Now and then, Dad would go
fishing next to the nearby bridge and I would go with him. Looking back it
sounds like an Andy Griffith moment though I don't think either of us
whistled. I know I didn't. Still can't. One pole was mine and sometimes I
would actually catch something. I believe sunfish and bluegill were the
only thing we ever hooked. Sunfish were absolutely too small to be worth
anything. Bluegill weren't much bigger. But there was a time or two when
Dad decided our catch was edible or maybe I talked him into it. He cleaned
the tiny fish and Mom cooked them. There wasn't much more than a mouthful
in each one but it was a delicious mouthful. It was something I caught. Or
helped catch. Or thought I did. We moved the summer I turned six and I
don't know that I've eaten bluegill since. I know I'd never seen it on a
menu but there it was at the Milwaukee Grill. I ordered it without
hesitation. There were ten little fillets not much bigger than what we
used to pull out of the Stillwater. It didn't taste quite as good as what
Dad and I caught and it wasn't prepared quite as perfectly as when Mom did
it but it was good. It was very good. It was so good I wish I could