I had already gone through a 5+ mile detour when I took this picture. As
I set at the light, waiting to start what would be a mile and a half
detour, I casually pointed the camera through the windshield and snapped
this off with little expectation of using it. But, after lots of orange
cones in both Toledo and Detroit and ending the day with an even bigger
detour, I decided to use it to show that this sort of scenery started
early in the day.
There are occasional street signs and such with the word Dixie but this
was one of the brighter indications that the highway hasn't been totally
forgotten. For some reason, connecting the words ice cream, Michigan, and
Dixie made me smile.
I wasn't expecting to run into General George Armstrong Custer on this
trip but it seems he grew up in Monroe, Michigan. That's a darned nice
statue and, although it has been moved once, it's been somewhere prominent
since 1910 at which point George had still been alive longer than he'd
been dead.
While looking over the statue, it occurred to me that there could be some
real benefit to once again having our generals ride into battle on horses.
The first picture was taken a mile or so from Campus Martius. At this
point I had driven by miles of closed factories and businesses. That
wasn't all I saw. There were bright spots and some thriving areas but
the downtown skyline was the first thing that attracted my camera eye. By
the second picture, I'm only a couple blocks away from the traffic circle
that surrounds Campus Martius. You can't enter the circle on the
northbound Dixie Highway (a.k.a, Fort Street) but have to turn one way or
the other ar Griswold. I went right then left to connect with Woodward
south of the circle. When I took that third picture, at the corner of Fort
and Griswold, I was thinking that Fort might have once continued on to the
circle through where those bushes now stand. After reading about how this
entire area has been drastically reworked, I realize I have no idea of
what was here when the Dixie was active. I do know that the Dixie headed
away from downtown on Woodward which is the street in the fourth picture.
There are other All American Roads (The Historic National Road is one.)
but Woodward seems to get more mileage than most out of its designation.
Good for it.
Just another Dixie place that caught my eye.
This detour, a little south of Saginaw, was just over five miles if you
just wanted to follow it and continue on your way. It was well over eight
miles if, like me, you wanted to drive as much Dixie Highway as possible.
I drove past the first set of signs partly to see what "LOCAL
BUSINESSES REMAIN OPEN". I believe it was just the golf course. On
the other end of the detour, rather than just turning north to continue my
journey, I turned south and checked out the other side of the blockage.
One of the things I found by checking out the bypassed area was the
Heidelberg Motel. It isn't beyond the barricades but is south of where the
northbound detour rejoins the Dixie. I
saw absolutely no cars there and that's usually not a good sign. I started
on to Saginaw but soon turned back. Here was a decent looking independent
motel that was partially bypassed by a detour yet had a sign out front
showing it was a going concern. I'm a guy traveling alone who typically
seeks out independents. If I didn't stop, who would? I turned around and
pulled up to the office. I asked to see a room right off and was handed a
key. This is what I saw and where I spent the
night. Clean and comfortable but every bit as dated as you're thinking. I
think this is a PJ. $39 single, $49 double.
After I checked in, I realized that I was just a few miles from Frankenmuth
so decided to pay it a visit and have dinner.
These are the famous fighting chicken restaurants of Frankenmuth: The
Bavarian Inn,
with the clock style carved figures, and Zehnders with one of the hardest working neon signs in
the business. I chose Zehnders (probably because of the sign) and ate in the
Tap Room. I got the external shot after dinner. Once you've ordered, a
truck load of appetizers appears. Even before the entree arrived, things
looked like this. Remaining neutral in the chicken war,
I went with
the pork schnitzel.