I had never heard of Bok Tower until it popped up on my GPS as I neared the
end of my drive down from Ohio. Of course, it's well known to the locals
and recommended by them, too. As the week progressed, Thursday had emerged
as the day for a Bok Tower visit. It was also massage day.
Eldon is a trained and licensed masseuse and has a table installed in an
extra room. Today began with yet another benefit of Uncle Eldon's All
Inclusive Resort, a massage. Although Eldon was planning on going with me
to the tower, he has been there several times so it really wasn't an issue
when a neighbor called to inquire about an afternoon massage. While Eldon
prepared for the massage room's next visitor, I headed off to the tower
with my freshly and completely relaxed body.
Bok Tower contains a 60 bell carillon and I'd learned from the web that
concerts were held each day at 1:00 and 3:00. I targeted the 1:00 event
and timed it almost perfectly. I arrived with just enough time to watch
the introductory movie and walk leisurely to the tower before the concert
began. The carillonneur plays from a room high in the tower but is visible
on a video monitor at ground level. Many people watch and listen from
chairs in front of the monitor while others, including me, stroll around
the area while listening to the music which spreads in all directions. The
pictures in the next two panels were taken during that stroll which means
the post-concert picture of carillonneur Geert D'hollander appears out of
sequence. When asked if he practiced new material on the actual carillon,
the answer was a quick "Oh, no. People would kill me if I practiced
up there." Practice is on a keyboard attached to a xylophone.
The tower is an impressive structure in an impressive setting.
Mosaics near the top of the tower depict
birds and other animals and the hawks flying around the tower in the
second photo often rest atop sculpted birds at its
top. The third picture shows the tower's south side which features a large
sun dial. Behind the Great Brass Door is the
Founder's Room which was once Edward Bok's private study. The general
public is not permitted into the tower.
I have a
Twitter account (which is tied to my
account) to which I occasionally send half witty comments on my
travels. At some point during my stroll around the tower, I tweeted
"Just found out there's no bok beer at Bok Tower. Very tricky."
Within minutes I heard from @BokTower, "We need to get ourselves
together here! I know we offer bock during our Boktoberfest in October (go
figure, right?)". Now that's the kind of response that makes a
Tweeter smile.
The ponds near the tower are populated with huge goldfish and I splurged
on a quarter's worth of food for them. The fish did not appear underfed
even without my contribution.
I also splurged on the optional tour of Pinewood Estate. The 1930s home is
not overwhelming but having every step and doorway different and marking
the building's exact center with a hexagon certainly make it interesting.
The landscaped grounds are beautiful and gardeners could no doubt spend
hours identifying and admiring the flora. I, of course, have no idea what
any of the plants are so was restricted to admiring only.
The gardens include a small cabin with a one way window facing a small
pond. This is called, cleverly enough, "Window by the Pond".
When I entered, the cabin was completely empty and a squirrel sat merrily
munching atop the rightmost of three "stumps". I snapped a few
pictures then turned my attention to the leftmost "stump" when
a cardinal landed on it. I was focused on the cardinal when I heard people
talking behind me. The room was half full when I first turned to look and
was soon nearly completely filled. That first comment was, "Look at
that squirrel trying to get to the food." Sure enough, when I pulled
the camera from my eye, I saw an empty "stump" with a squirrel
on the bank scurrying about and trying to figure out how to get to it.
I have no idea whether this was the same or a different squirrel. My guess
is that the squirrel I'd seen when I first entered had dropped onto the
"stump" from a tree branch but how (or if) he got off without
getting wet is a complete mystery. Them squirrels sure are smart.
I rested up with an iced tea outside the café while the little fellow
in the first picture kept me company. Then I headed off with one last shot
of the tower from the long approach road.