Good fortune hit me once again as I looked for lodging last night. The
Kane Motel was right where I needed a motel and it was
exactly the motel I wanted. It's a true mom & pop with four rooms
actually in the house and six in a more typical motel structure out back.
I stayed in the house. Super clean and
comfortable and run by friendly people. Several old Kane area photos and
articles are among the office decorations.
The motel was quite convenient, too. I walked to
dinner last night and
breakfast this morning. This isn't the
original building but Texas Hot Lunch got its start back in 1914.
A little west of Warren, Pennsylvania, I switched from one scenic highway
to another. I've long sung the praises of US-62 and one of the reasons is
this spot, near West Hickory, where the Allegheny River pops out from
behind the trees and runs right next to the road. It looks pretty good to
me even when the view is sliced in two by a dark shadow from the low sun.
That's the Allegheny National Forest on the left. The road doesn't stay
that close to the river for long but it remains a mighty pretty drive.
This cemetery in Hermitage, Pennsylvania, first came to my attention
because of the flags that started flying here to mark the days that
American hostages were held in Iran. Actually, it came to my attention
only after the days and flags had reached 444 and the hostages had been
released. The release occurred on January 21, 1981. The flags remain and
there is a whole lot more. Until recently, I misunderstood the "whole
lot more" and I apologize. I thought that things had started here
with those Iranian hostage flags and that everything else was just the
dragging on of an very effective but long concluded effort to focus
attention on a specific issue. Not at all. When Tom Flynn, who bought the
cemetery in 1977, organized the raising of the first 100 flags on February
11, 1980, his cemetery had already been honoring our veterans in various
ways for more than a year. The 100 flags that grew to 444 were really just
one part of his vision for making Hillcrest Memorial Park, now renamed
Cemetery, a special place.
In Sharon, Pennsylvania, I slipped in the back door of the original
Quaker Steak & Lube
for some wings.
This was taken just beyond Wilmot, Ohio, in the heart of Amish country. A
little further on, I saw a buggy sitting in the line at a construction
zone. I think I passed through about a hundred construction zones on this
trip but this is the first time I can recall seeing a buggy held up by
one -- ever.
The first day of this trip ended with a sunset and so, too, shall the
last. Unfortunately, the peak of this sunset was almost in synch with my
passage through Columbus which decreased the degree of appreciation
somewhat. In fact, rounding a curve to face the sun and being unable to
see anything but glimpses of flashing brake lights was down right
terrifying and trying to read exit signs required all sorts of head
bobbing and weaving. But it did get better and, once I turned a bit more
to the south and the sun wasn't directly in my eyes, some of the roadside
was kind of nice looking.