This place is just around the corner from the Wayside Motel. I spotted it
last night then walked down this morning after reading about it online.
The name comes from the Courtesy Sandwich Shop which began in 1935 and
swelled to a dozen before shrinking back to one. The fellow who bought
that last one now has three Courtesy Diners. This one, which opened in 2013, is
the newest. It's a frame building but setup and trimmed in the diner
spirit. With the grill right behind the counter, I got to see my breakfast
both before and after.
Several years ago, the sign is from the long gone Beacon Court was
restored and placed over a car wash in Pacific, Missouri. The area is rich
in silica and I'm guessing that the "column" in the sandstone
bluff are the result of mining operations but that is pure conjecture.
I was considering a break when I reached Bourbon and seeing the sign atop
the Circle Inn Malt Shop made it mandatory. Readers of my
blog may remember seeing a similar sign in a very recent post about the
American Sign
Museum's tenth anniversary. That post is
and the museum's post on the sign, which had never been mounted, is
here. Inside, I chatted with Josh Ware about the sign,
baseball, Route 66, and stuff. Josh and brother Justin are the current
owners of the diner their grandfather opened in 1956. The sign has
probably been there since the beginning and is in wonderful shape although
some electrical problems have developed. I showed Josh a picture of the
sign in the museum and passed on some information about contacting them.
Fixing signs is neither cheap nor easy but I have a feeling that the Wares
will get those electrical problems sorted.
This trip is not about Route 66 and, although I am more or less following
it, I'm not being a stickler at all. When I encountered the Road Closed
sign, I simply turned around. I wasn't thinking too clearly but I guess it
sort of worked out. It had not occurred to be that the road was closed
because of a bridge with a lot of friends who are trying to save it. I
only realized this when I crossed the river on I-44 and saw its name. The
Gasconade River sign finally rang a bell. Instead of continuing west when
I returned to the old road, I turned back to drive to the western end of
the recently closed bridge that a Facebook group of nearly a thousand
members hopes to have repaired. That group is
The Rest Haven in Springfield, Missouri, has been on my
radar for a long time but this is my first stay. A big reason is that it
has a couple of better known "neighbors". Actually, they're more
than just neighbors. They're kind of related. It shares part of its name
and the city of Springfield with the Rail Haven and its sign is a near
duplicate of the one at the Munger Moss about fifty miles east in Lebanon.
The Rest Haven could be considered the poorer cousin. Both of the other
motels I've mentioned are better maintained and more popular but it is
cheaper and serviceable. That's an outside view of my room in the second
picture and there's an inside view here. I
was really happy to see that all of the neon in that beautiful sign was
functioning. Only the big arrow, with incandescent "chaser" was
out. Yes, the "cousins" may have bigger and better reputations
but my room was clean and comfortable and the owners get bonus points from
me for keeping all that neon going.
ADDENDUM 17-Dec-2017: While revisiting this post in
response to a question, I realized that the big arrow was never an
incandescent chaser but was filled with green neon. I obviously didn't
study this closely enough and probably assumed it was a chaser like the
nearly identical Munger Moss sign.