I left home about 7:30 and hustled down the expressway to Louisville,
Kentucky. There I climbed onto US-31W (Dixie Highway) and US-60 then
stayed with Sixty as it split off toward the west. That's when the trip
I'd hit the road without so much as a cup of coffee. Now that I was on my
planned route, I was ready to eat. Several pickups stood in front of the
Green Valley Restaurant while their drivers sat around
a table inside drinking coffee. My hunger quickly met
its match.
This well cared for 1922 bridge caught my eye in Cloverport, Kentucky. I
kind of liked the classic water tower, too.
In Owensboro, Roadside America alerted me to the World's Largest Sassafras
tree not far from my route. The plaque beside
it says its probably the world's largest and definitely the country's
largest. A Roadside America entry tells how a lady and a shotgun
once saved the tree from road crews.
This 1931 bridge over the Green River looked pretty good to me but
Bridgehunter.com reports that it as under study and
"At high risk for demolition and replacement."
I wasn't trying to find every old alignment on this trip but I couldn't
ignore this. Much of the narrow road is lined with homes that probably
appeared after it was bypassed but some of it still looks quite pristine.
When I first stumbled into Marion, Kentucky, back in
2004, that hanging
sign said "Sweet Shoppe" and the place was open. It has not been
open on a couple of subsequent stops, including today, but at least I can
see that the old soda fountain is still there.
For the rest of the day, I saw things I photographed as I headed home from
the big Lincoln Highway drive three years ago.
In 2013 I ate lunch parked at this
church, crossed Cumberland River on this bridge, and the Tennessee River
on a bridge that this bridge replaced not long after.
I'll be returning on US-62 which runs a little closer to
Apple Valley Toyland that US-60. I figured I would
stop by on the return but the timing and weather were right today so I
slid off route just a few miles. It's hard to tell whether the art or the
puns come first and it really doesn't matter. There's the proverbial
"deer in the headlights" and the work in progress called
"Thronehenge" "Lawnmower Ranch" was actually Keith's
first installation here. Lastly the proud poppa shows off some artwork by
his daughter (Note the "palm" tree.) and son (There's a toaster
inside that turtle.). This time there is even proof that
I was there.