Day 20: July 2, 2019
Two Porters in a Storm

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Country Girls Cafe is right across the street from my motel in De Queen and I'd have probably had dinner there if it had been open. It wasn't so I hit it for breakfast.

In the end, I decided to continue on US-70 despite having driven this section as recently as April. One reason was the possibility of meeting up with some friends in Hot Springs although that ultimately didn't work out because of timing issues. Passing through Glenwood I snapped a blurry picture -- with extra glare -- of one of my favorite restaurants and of the motel I might have stayed at last night had that restaurant been open.

I did stop in Hot Springs briefly. As is typical, the main drag by the bath houses was quite busy. I stopped at the not-on-the-strip SQZBX Brewery because I had enjoyed my visit here in April and because there was plenty of parking right in front. That's Rock Island Porter in the mug.

I also stopped at the new-to-me Diamond Bear Brewery in North Little Rock. I got a glimpse of the capitol on the way and crossed over the almost new (March 2017) Broadway Bridge on the way. This glass holds Pig Tail Porter.

Insert joke about hot chicks here.

I've driven US-70 between Little Rock an Memphis a few times in the past and found it rather pleasant. It started out that way today but I started seeing evidence of rain and eventually the actual rain. Since I wasn't seeing anything new, and sometimes wasn't seeing much of anything at all, I moved onto the interstate around Brinkley and stayed with it until ending the day in West Memphis.

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