LHA 2024 Conference

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Day 1

Day 2
Heritage Tour

Day 3

Day 4
Highways and By-Ways

Day 5

June 28, 2024 (day 5)
With the conference over, I followed the Lincoln Highway east to near the Ohio border then scurried home on what my GPS told me was the fastest route.

June 27, 2024 (day 4)
We were back on the bus today headed west to South Bend and Plymouth. I have been to the Studebaker museum campus multiple times but today was my first time inside the South Bend History Museum.

June 26, 2024 (day 3)
This was a day of interesting presentations with a meeting, a movie, and some pipe organ music thrown in.

June 25, 2024 (day 2)
A bunch of clouds and a little rain affected the tour a bit but did not keep us from enjoying visits to some wonderful museums.

June 24, 2024 (day 1)
This turned out to be a "get there fast then take it slow" affair with time constraints requiring an expressway drive to Elkhart. Once there, checking in and renewing friendships could proceed more leisurely.

Prelude - January 5, 2024
I joined the Lincoln Highway Association in 2000 but did not make it to a national conference until 2010. I came close in 2009 and even had preliminary plans in place but in the end the job won. I have not made it to every conference since then but I have made it to most, missing only 2016, 2018, and 2023. Distance was the main reason I missed the most recent conference in California but that will certainly not be an issue this year. It's just one state away in Indiana. That's the same state that hosted the conference that I almost made in 2009 and this one is even a few miles closer. That was in South Bend. This one will be in Elkhart, June 24-28.

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