I spent Sunday night at the west edge of Mobile and this morning continued
west on US-90. This is the Biloxi Bay
Bridge; Destroyed by Katrina and reopened on October 26 - two weeks
ahead of schedule. Currently, only one lane each way is in use but the
others will follow shortly.
I picked Pass Christian for a brief departure from US-90 partly because my
daughter once lived here. I called her about half an hour before I got
here and she called me back about half an hour after I had moved on. This
was also the home town of one of the CNN reporters and some very moving
footage came from here in the days immediately following Katrina's attack.
Pass Christian provides a glimpse of what is happening all along the
coast. There are some big empty spots and lots of manufactured housing;
Some rather permanent looking - some much less so. And there is a huge
amount of building underway.
One of the images I remember from 2005 is that of the
Bay St. Louis Bridge with its deck
sections, one end in the water, looking like a long row of giant saw
teeth. It, too, has one lane operating each way but there is talk of
having all traffic lanes open by the end of the year. The first two shots
were taken while west bound and the third is looking back from Bay St.
ADDENDUM: Jan 7,2008 - They didn't quite get all lanes open in 2007 but
they were darned close. All four automobile lanes were opened On January
4, 2008. A fifth pedestrian-bicycle lane is not quite complete and some
trim work is ongoing but the bridge is at full strength for motorized
traffic. The MDOT announcement iswas
I took in a little bit of the Old Spanish Trail in Bay St. Louis.
My US-90 travels ended here at the Rigolets Bridge. It appears that a new
bridge is close to being completed here. There is no marker but I believe
that the site of Jayne Mansfield's 1967 crash and death is within the
area shown in the first photo.
ADDENDUM: Jan 4, 2008 - I've since learned that the Mansfield crash site
is near the west not east end of the bridge.
I backtracked just a tiny bit and picked up the Old Spanish Trail (LA-433)
to I-10. Before long I was on the causeway into New Orleans.
I'm staying at the
Andrew Jackson Inn on Royal right next to a place mentioned
on most French Quarter tours - the Cornstalk Hotel. The Andrew Jackson is
a pretty cool place itself with a balcony up front a courtyard in back. It's a bit chilly
for sitting around the fountain but my room (109) is just a few steps away.
Come on in.
The Andrew Jackson's sister hotel, the St. Pierre, is about three blocks
away and has a small parking lot. AJ, the desk clerk, not the hotel, verified that a spot was
available and I headed right over. Back at the Andrew Jackson, I asked
about places to eat nearby. I expected to hear of high priced French joints
but AJ says, "What you looking for? A good 'burger?" I had actually noticed
the Clover Grill
on my walk back from parking and AJ's recommendation was quickly backed up
by John, who was there to relieve him, and an "innocent bystander".
They also mentioned several other places but, in the end, the Clover Grill
won out.
They cook their 'burgers under an "American made hub cap" (AJ
said it's from a 1957 Cadillac) which, if nothing else, does a fine job of
melting the cheese. The place is on Bourbon Street right across
from a bar (a gay bar, if you must know) where (it is New
Orleans) carry-out beverages are available. The Clover Grill entertains as well as feeds.
Siska cooked my cheeseburger, kept up a lively exchange with the guy taking orders,
then delivered my meal with a smile; A big smile. Laissez les bons temps rouler...
...et Joyeux Noël.