Just like the Friday night of my first festival in 2003, there were
tornado, hail, and rain warnings being announced last night. But, this
year the cruise did take place. I didn't see it, however, since my hotel
is not downtown and I talked myself out of going. A crowded area didn't
seem like a good place to be driving my car and I figured that taking a
cab or bus might be foolish in light of the dire weather forecasts.
Instead, I walked down to the Cozy Dog for Dinner. I was nearing the tail of my
second and final "dog" when Jim Conkle & Michael Wallace walked in. I
finished my meal, chatted a bit with Jim & Michael, and headed back to
the Route 66 Hotel &
Conference Center.
It stayed dry for my walk and a good while longer but, eventually, the
skies did open. By morning, the deluge was over and, although the ground was
still wet, other motel guests were getting their cars ready to take downtown.
I had intended to return to the Cozy Dog for breakfast but, when I learned
that buses run by the motel just once an hour, decided against it. Instead,
I caught the 8:47 and, for a buck, was in downtown Springfield a little after
Most of last night's festivities, other than the cruise, had been called
off. Vendor booths and stages for performers had all been tore down to
prevent damage. Many of the vendors were bringing things back to life
as, all around them, cars were parked and polished.
I wanted to make sure I got in a visit to the new Lincoln museum so I
headed that direction. But I also had breakfast on my mind. I spotted the
Tea Thyme and, after looking around for the Machismo Patrol, slipped inside.
Now that I was actually inside a "tea room" I threw caution to the wind
and ordered quiche. I know what you're thinking but, until you've tried it,
it's really not fair to knock sitting in the front window of a tea room,
sipping coffee from a dainty cup, and eating quiche while guys are parking
muscle cars in front of you. Both quiche & coffee were excellent but I
don't think the little doily thing on the table could soak up even half of
one of those cups let alone an overturned mug.
Then it was past more cars and into the
Abraham Lincoln
Presidential Library and Museum where photos are permitted in only a
few areas. Things start rather slowly with static displays of Abe's early
life but get to rolling as the 1860 election approaches. From there on,
the museum is more experience than exhibit. While walking past walls filled
with some of the vicious political cartoons of the day, you also listen
to some quite unfriendly comments on Lincoln and his policies. As you approach
a Lincoln mannequin preparing to sign the Emancipation Proclamation, you
are surrounded by voices and video images presenting various argument for
and against the proclamation. With multiple screens and some fairly high-tech
effects (Ever been kicked by a horse?), "Lincoln's Eyes" gives a compelling
overview of the man and his world. I believe it was at Gettysburg that I
saw an "electric map" of the Civil
War. Rolling numbers counted the dead while small lights indicated the battles
and changing front lines of the war. Here a modern video does something similar
but much more effectively. Watching the Confederate controlled area grow and
shrink and be clearly split by Sherman's march is pretty awesome.
I know that scholars can really benefit from the large research library
here but the interactive and multi-media displays of the museum were
enough for non-scholarly me. My feedback: Highly recommended. Great
communication. Would do it again.
My next stop was Lincoln's home; The only house he ever owned. On the way
I got a glimpse of the Illinois capitol and, surprise, more cars. Ranger Robin
was our guide and could answer just about every question given. Many of the
home's furnishings have been restored including the mirror where Abe
probably shaved for the last time before going off to Washington to grow a
beard and run the country.
I saw a few more cars on my walk to the old (1839-1876) capitol building.
Springfield's "all Lincoln, all the time" view of history continues here.
Apparently Abraham Lincoln single handedly ran the State of Illinois and the
City of Springfield until he became president.
And now for some shopping. I bought a copy of "Pig-Hips" on Route 66" from
Ernie Edwards and a couple of small pocket notebooks from Bob Waldmire.
The one I got in 2004 at Tulsa is just about filled with cryptic notes.
From Michael Wallace, it was "The Art of Cars". This was the third time I'd
run into Jim Conkle this weekend (Chain of Rocks Bridge & Cozy Dog) but
the first time I actually snapped a picture. Of course, it's no coincidence
that it also includes Michael signing Sue Waldmire's copy of the Cars book.
I don't know who the future roadie is who is looking on but maybe he'll
be spotted driving through Seligman in a few years..
I finished my shopping and headed, a bit belatedly, to the Alamo where a couple
of roadies were rumored to be meeting. It turned out to be more than a couple.
There's Liz & Don, Lulu, Brenda, Ron, someone whose name I failed
to learn, and another Ron. The standing Ron is Ron Jones who displays a
growing number of Route 66 icons as tattoos. Kip & Carl get their own
picture and Quinn & Natalie were safely hanging on the other side of
the room. Kent & Mary Sue also stopped in for awhile.
Danny and the Juniors Friday night shows were canceled due to weather and
the Grass Roots didn't fair much better. Travel problems prevented the planned
5:30 show and but the 8:00 show in jeopardy. I missed the start so don't
know if the current lineup is a three piece or if one "root" was still in
transit. That also means that I don't know if the weak performance was from
a partial band doing their best in adversity or if that's the best the
current outfit can do.
I didn't spend a lot of time on the Grass Roots but grabbed a cab back to
the motel. Earlier in the day, someone had mentioned a place called
The Curve
that was near the motel and on an old Sixty-Six alignment. When the cabby
also mentioned it, I decided that a visit was in order. This is a real roadhouse
sort of place that has been there by some name or another since 1932. It's
also one of the few places in Springfield when the new smoking ban doesn't
apply. That's the context in which the cabby had mentioned it but I did
not get the reason why they are exempt. After a Stag and a sandwich, it was
time for bed.