In hind sight, this might not have been the best day to set out on a road
trip in a convertible. The thunder, lightening, and pouring rain that
filled the early morning had actually passed by the time I left around
10:00 but it was a trick. The next act opened before I reached Kentucky
and never really ended until I was deep into Tennessee. At a fueling stop
near Lexington, Kentucky, I caught hints of a nasty storm to the
northwest. Back on the expressway, I tuned in a local station and almost
immediately heard the shrill sound that announces a bulletin. Words that
I'd only half heard at the gas station were now clear. 60 MPH winds. Ping
pong ball sized hail. As if on cue, the rainfall rate increased
tremendously. There was enough water on the road surface that plowing
through it in the little Miata sometimes made the whole world disappear. I
dropped my speed almost as quickly and never did really feel much
hydroplaning although the potential was certainly there. As you might
expect, cars pulled to the side here and there. I shared an underpass with
a group of north bound bikers. While stopped, I heard an updated bulletin
which again indicated that the heart of the storm was several miles behind
me. The feeble fringe was more than enough for me.