Day 13: September 2, 1999
Running with the Pack



The day started with an early breakfast in Ft. Smith followed by breakfast in Little Rock. I ate at the first & grabbed some juice at the second. Others skipped the first and made up for it in the second. One of these four pictures is from the early breakfast. Can you guess which one?

The scenery is becoming increasingly familiar and it seems that much of the interesting stuff on the drive to Nashville is on, rather than beside, the road.

Parked at the Opryland Hotel. We are staying in a room in a building attached to the far side of the building you can see on the far side of the parking lot. Far out.

Quite a shindig at the hotel and, yes, that is a 2000 model. There are over 1700 Corvettes parked outside and another 2000 in Louisville. It's going to be a little crowded on the road to Bowling Green in the morning.

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