The address seemed correct and the words on the marquee looked right but
it was Ron "Tattoo Man" Jones that really let us know we were in
the right spot.
Liz Vincent got things rolling by introducing Pontiac's Mayor, Bill
Alvery who welcomed us to his city. Then Cheryl Jett introduced the
keynote speaker.
That speaker was Stephanie Stuckey, CEO of Stuckey's Corporation which she is working hard -- and
having success -- in reviving. The story is a great one which she does a
wonderful job of telling. At one time the company had over 350 stores and
was an important part of almost every road trip. Stephanie is getting the
company name back in front of people with her own road trips and social
media posts.
Next Ron Metzger and his daughter Becky spoke about
Motorheads Bar and
Grill that occupies a former Stuckey's store in Springfield, IL. Then
Bill Thomas gave us an update on the Road Ahead Pardnership and Casey
Claypool let us know what was going on with th Route 66 Experience at the
Illinois state fairgrounds.
I walked th Pub 13 and ordered their fish sliders special thinking
it would be kind of light. Boy, was I wrong.
Afternoon presentations included "A History of the Illinois Route 66
Museum and Hall of Fame" by John Wille, the "Pontiac-Oakland Museum" from
Tim Dye, and the "Pontiac Art Scene" by Jane Diaz and her son Ben.
When the afternoon sessions concluded, we were told that most of the
museums and the courthouse would be open for conference attendees. I
headed straight to the courthouse. I was surprised to find a small museum
in one of the rooms displaying some local and not so local artifacts. The
pictured cabinet contains a Lincoln death mask and
a splinter from the gallows where the
conspirators were hanged.
One of the attractions at the "Pontiac Arts Center" is an open-sided
drive-it-yourself elevator that lets you see the sea creatures you are passing.
I included an exterior shot of Bob Waldmire's "Land Yacht" yesterday
and have some interior shots today. Bob had several interesting vehicles
but this is clearly the biggest and weirdest.,
Round one of the evening's entertainment was a showing of "Grandview,
U.S.A." which was filmed in Pontiac in the early 1980s. A panel
discussion followed the movie but it seems I have no pictures.
Round two was the "clean but edgy" comedy of Terri "Dr. 66"
Ryburn. She's a funny lady.