This trip really got started when I passed Proctor & Gamble's dual
towers in downtown Cincinnati, crossed over the Ohio River, then drove by
that world famous water tower in Kentucky.
I decided that Walton, KY, was about the right distance from home for a
breakfast stop and picked Family's Main Street Cafe as the place to do it.
The name definitely fits. One TV had non-stop Rifleman episode with the
sound off while the other had non-stop Sesame Street with the sound on. I
ate my goetta and eggs seated between the two.
The drive continued on scenic expressways to Nashville, TN.
I arrived at my motel too early to check in so I walked next door where
Jimmy Dicken's seat was open and a band was just setting up. I had to move
a little closer to grab a picture when they started playing.
By walking just a little farther, I was able to chat with conference
organizers Tim O'Brien and Melissa Baldock who were finishing up some
details at the host hotel.
I had selected the more economical lodging option where I was now able to
check in. Here's my room at
Inn. Fred Zander, whom I sometimes share a room with, had planned to
share this one but last minute dental issues forced a change in plans.
Best wishes, Fred.
A conference opening reception was at the
Nelson and Friends Museum which was in easy walking distance of both
the host hotel and the lower cost alternative. We got to look over
displays of items from some real country music legends while sampling a
variety of Nashville food specialties. Event organizer Tim O'Brien
delivered welcoming remarks and some information on the schedule for the
next two days.