Tracing a T to Sebring:
The Letters


In the prelude on the cover page for this trip, I tell of discovering that my great-grandparents had actually made two trips to Florida in their Model T Ford. Only 175 pages of Granny's letters from that second trip have survived. They cover just about the first month of their trip, from October 29, 1923, to November 25, 1923. Links to HTML and PDF versions of a transcript of these letters are at the bottom of this page. Also, as was done for the 2020 trip, each day's journal page contains a link to the point in the HTML version corresponding to the start of that day's travel. The following caveats and confessions are repeated from the 2020 trip.

There are numerous spelling and punctuation errors throughout the letters. I have resisted the temptation to correct these in the posted versions. In addition to the "grammatical" errors, there are words to which the euphemism "politically incorrect" is readily applied. The most glaring are Granny's references to niggers and the temptation to "correct" this was even greater than for the misspellings. Not doing so forces me to acknowledge that, unlike the spelling and punctuation, these were not accidents. In 2001, I stated that "Granny was no racist" then preceded to prove otherwise by pointing out that "these words were as natural to her as calling their automobile the machine." Granny wasn't hateful or looking to hurt people but I don't doubt that she believed that non-whites were somehow inferior. I can't change the past but maybe I can get better.



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