Although I'm going to chase the train today rather than ride it, I headed
back to the station in Cumberland. At the east edge of Frostburg, this
plane is an effective eye catcher. The propeller is turning albeit rather
I left the station a little ahead of the train and got a few pictures as
it passed through the section called The Narrows. I knew that
Helmstetter's Curve was reachable and thought that Brush Tunnel might be,
too, but I misplaced the coordinates and road names I had worked out from
maps. With the train in motion, I thought it best not to try guessing so I
just stayed on MD-36 to Mount Savage. Mount Savage was a little
disappointing in that there seems to be no evidence of it's former
industrial might. (The first pressing of iron rails in this country
occurred here.) The most interesting thing I saw was The Castle whose
stone wall extends quite a ways along the road. I was confused by the
combination of "Maryland History" and "Private
Property" signs but found out later it's a functioning
bed and
I drove on to the Frostburg station, retrieved the tunnel and curve
coordinates from the computer and waited for the train. As I drove beside
the train in The Narrows, I was struck by the sound of the steam engine;
loud and unlike anything in the everyday twenty-first century world. It
was even louder as it climbed the steep grade to the station. I thought of
trying to record it with my little voice recorder then remembered that the
Panasonic camera I carried can do video with sound. So here's my
second ever video which provides a hint of the train's fury but certainly
isn't the same as standing on the platform when all that smoke, sound, and
soot arrives.
I talked with people who had been to Brush Tunnel on the
Great Allegheny Passage bike trail that actually shares the tunnel but no
one I spoke with could say whether the tunnel was reachable by car.
DeLorme showed Proenty Road getting very close so that's where I headed
and I did find a tunnel. Just not a railroad tunnel. Then, when I started
to drive through it, I suddenly found myself in the grips of sanity. I
walked through it and got a picture of the road on the other side. It
didn't look any worse than what I had driven to the tunnel. I believe this
tunnel passes under the railroad tracks and I probably could have reached
the tunnel with some climbing but I decided to forego that adventure and
return to MD-36. By the way, a stream shares the tunnel with the road by
flowing through that trench on the left side of the picture.
I did find the much more accessible Helmstetter's Curve and did get
some pictures. Then it was back through The Narrows to the station.
I had lots of great sounding dinner recommendations and the decision would
have been a lot tougher had not several been closed on Sunday. Besides
being recommended by at least half a dozen people, the
Crabby Pig was
high on my list partially because, although I didn't know it at the time,
I had met the owner yesterday. I had chatted with a fellow named Terry who
was busy at a big cooker near the restaurant. I made the connection when I
saw the names Terry & Susan listed on the menu as owners. All of the
recommendations had been on the Crabby Pig's seafood but the crab cakes
will have to wait for next visit. I went for the pulled pork special.
Here's tonight's dinner yesterday.
I strolled around the canal area for a bit before calling it a day and
walking back to my room in The Inn at Walnut Bottom. More on that tomorrow.
Amusements supplied the rides at the festival and they're from Ohio,
too. Wonder if they're going home or on to another festival.