A trip report with many similarities to Granny's. The report is
fictitious but based on facts and access to many of those facts is
offered. It's part of the Ford Museum site.
This web site is the cyber presence of a real paper & ink
magazine. The one man operation lives, travels, and publishes in the
COW (Condo On Wheels). Naturally, information and links are RV
The "largest Model T club in the world" and, in my
experience, the largest collection of Model T information in the
world. Stories & photos from members, in depth historical
details, and a remarkable amount of "how to do" and
"where to get" information.
A natural connection with the Treaty of Greenville and events
preceding it gives a certain amount of importance but this well run
and growing museum has significance well beyond that. Keeper of
Lowell Thomas's restored birth place and lots of other Thomas and
Annie Oakley memorabilia, the Garst Museum also houses the
considerable resources of the
Darke County
Genealogical Society.
Granddad & Granny stopped in Bowling Green, Kentucky, in 1920.
The Corvette factory and National Corvette Museum are located there
This is the "Links" page of Moon Handbooks. Pointers to some rather offbeat
road trip sites. Good guide books and the Ohio volume endeared
itself to me with a sidebar on the Triangle in Greenville.