I started off the morning by just driving around the park and gawking at
the scenery.
A few bighorn have been spotted at Sheep Lakes on each of the last several
days. The sheep must cross the road to reach the lakes for important
nutrients. None were around when I stopped but I was excited to see elk
off in the distance and even more excited to see one just yards off of the
road when I drove on. Little did I know.
At Moraine Visitor Center, I joined a group for a ranger led easy
nature hike. Before we even got started, Ranger Dar made sure he signed
all of the Junior Ranger log books. Ranger Dar's presentation was as
entertaining as it was informative. He basicaly led us on a stroll through
the Moraine Park "neighborhood" as he compared it to our neighborhoods
back home. Both neighborhoods have people/critters that mow the lawn and
high rise apartment buildings/trees with different residents on different
levels. The bag he carries supplies a variety of props that he uses most
effectively. The bulldozer introduces the neighborhood construction company.
Dar then gets down to play in the dirt to show how a glacier works to carve
out a valley and create ridges at its sides. The scene he makes in miniature
at our feet is clearly duplicated full size in the
landscape at his back. When we go to the neighborhood
"mall", Dar pulls out a small spray bottle to simulate a perfume
counter then invites us to stick our noses in cracks in the bark of a
Ponderosa Pine. Butterscotch? Great job, Dar, including the
elk scat.
I got my roads confused and when I read that Trail Ridge Road was open, I
was thinking Old Fall River Road so had thoughts of driving Old Fall River
west and returning on Trail Ridge. But Old Fall River Road is normally not
opened until the Fourth of July and, because of needed repairs, probably
won't make that date this year. So it will be the hardly boring Trail
Ridge Road over and back today. It has plenty of gorgeous overlooks and
still has lots of snow. Sometimes they're called moon roofs and sometimes
they're sun roofs but can also function quite well as snow
roofs. At one of the stops I got to take a look at one of the big
rotary snow plows used to clear the mountain roads. This year, drifts as
deep as twenty-three feet were cleared in opening Trail Ridge. The front
bit can be raised and lowered to chew through a tall drift.
This is the continental divide but it's not the highest point on the road.
The road goes above 12,000 feet to the east of here. The altitude at the
divide is 10,759.
I don't think many companies set out to do bad things but bad things can
result. A large group of cars, with a sponsor/organizer's name proudly displayed,
are racing and passing or attempting to pass on a
National Park road with posted limits no higher than 35 MPH. I did see one
of the cars pulled over down the road with a ranger at the window so maybe a
little punishment was handed out. Fortunately no elk were broadsided and
no vacationing family smashed into head on. A quick glance makes me think
the company involved markets no products I'm interested in but I've made a
mental note to avoid it just in case. I won't post a link but you can look
it up. Here's a clue.
This is Grand
Lake Lodge overlooking the town of Grand Lake, Colorado, on the Rocky's
west slope. The place was built in 1920 but was closed for seven years after
a devastating fire in 1973. In 1993 it was recognized as a National
Historic Landmark. I decided to have a beer but the bright sun made the
taps hard to read. A friendly bartendress helped (and so does a
flash;-). The four on the left are from the in town Grand Lake Brewing. I pronounce the amber ale first rate.
Of course, there was plenty of snow and scenery on the way back, too.
Back on the park's east side, I decided to check out Sheep Lakes again and
discovered that elk cross the road, too. (Yes, that's remnants of some of
the park's smaller wildlife on my windshield. I didn't mean to do it.)
After snapping some photos of elk now grazing much closer to the lot, I
drove over to gaze on the closed Old Fall River Road.
Back at the camp site a little rain came up but, in the immediate area, I
believe it fell only on my tent and one next to it. The inside stayed dry
and we got a nice rainbow for our troubles.