NOTR and PPOO Part 1

I am sure that many readers recognize the acronyms in the title. For those that don’t know, they represent the National Old Trails Road and the Pike’s Peak Ocean to Ocean Highway. These two named auto trails cross the USA east-west not too far from each other and not too far from my home. I intend to utilize this pair in crossing the country twice. Although I originally planned to make the journey in a single outing, I am now resigned to spreading it over two trips. Part 1, which I have just started, follows the NOTR east from the Ohio-Indiana border and returns to that border on the PPOO. I will return to that spot in the fall and finish following the PPOO westward then wrap things up by driving the NOTR back to Ohio. The journal for that first day of the trip, which is largely staging, has been posted here.

9 thoughts on “NOTR and PPOO Part 1

    • As you have no doubt figured out, it’s going to take awhile. The two NOTR drives will be separated by the PPOO and a break for a conference in Nashville.

    • I’m glad were paying attention and figured that out. To be honest, I don’t think I knew what route I was on as I followed GPS instructions. I need to go back and reread your report.

  1. I have fond memories of Tinkertown, Madrid, Los Alamos, Old Town Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and even Clovis (Vi & Norman Petty Rock and Roll Museum when in New Mexico. Thanks for the reminders of Tinkertown and Santa Fe.

      • Clovis is pretty far south of Albuquerque. I was there several times when our son was stationed at Cannon AFB. It was where Buddy Holly and the Crickets, Roy Orbison, Leann Rimes, and the Fireballs did some of their recordings.There is also a historic dig site at Blackwater Draw, but not much else there. It is a shame that the Norman Petty Museum gets missed by many. There are some great artifacts there.

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