Route 66 Miles of Possibility 2024

This is just about as last minute as it is possible to get. I registered Monday night, booked my room Tuesday night, and started driving toward the conference  Wednesday morning. Trip announcement posts such as this are typically made when the first day’s journal is posted but not this time. That journal entry is not yet posted and neither is the journal for the final day of the preceding trip. Those things will eventually happen but for now, my real and cyber worlds are out of synch in a slightly different way than normal.

This entry lets blog-only subscribers know about the trip and provides a place for comments. The journal is here.

2 thoughts on “Route 66 Miles of Possibility 2024

  1. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! It looks like a great conference and I hope I can make it over there in the future. I enjoy your blog, Denny.

    • It moves around Illinois and will be in that Lincoln Highway town Joliet next year. Springfield in 2026. So glad you enjoy the blog. I’ll get caught up someday. 😁

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