Trip Peek #139
Trip #107
Sixty-Six: E2E & F2F

This picture is from my 2012 Sixty-Six: E2E & F2F trip. Most of you will probably recognize Route 66 legend Angel Delgadillo standing behind me. This was my third end-to-end drive of Historic Route 66 and that is what the E2E in the title stands for. The F2F stands for “friend to friend”. This being my third full-length drive of the route, there were quite a few people along the way that I considered friends and to whom I could say hello. The Route 66 portion started with a Chicago tour conducted by the late David Clark with a Scott Piotrowski tour of Los Angeles at the other end. One purpose of the trip was to attend the Route 66 Festival in Victorville, CA, and I followed that with a visit with my son in San Diego then headed home through Tombstone, AZ, Roswell, NM, Gene Autry, OK, Hot Springs, AR, and several other interesting places.

This was the most visited trip journal when it first appeared in 2012. It also ranked number one in 2021 and 2023 and stands second in the 2024 rankings at the time of this Trip Peek posting.

Trip Peeks are short articles published when my world is too busy or too boring for a current events piece to be completed in time for the Sunday posting. In addition to a photo thumbnail from a completed road trip, each Peek includes a brief description of that photo plus links to the full-sized photo and the associated trip journal.

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