A Dixie by Any Other Name

If something called a dixie existed, I have little doubt that we could refer to it differently without changing its aroma, but the word “dixie” doesn’t really identify anything. It is not, in other words, a common noun. As a proper noun — with a capital ‘D’ — it is used as both a surname and a given name and to identify a wide variety of things including a region of our country. People with a first, last, or nickname of Dixie surely outnumber things bearing the name but there are certainly plenty of those. It has been used to identify buildings, songs, currency, music groups, towns, counties, movies, beer, boats, ships, taverns, race tracks, waterways, restaurants, mountain ranges, athletic conferences, grocery stores, airports, schools, universities, and much more. With an ‘X’ made of a stylized flower, Dixie is a registered trademark of Georgia-Pacific for a brand of paper products.

In the 1960s, an all-girl singing group borrowed the name — without the flowery ‘X’ — of those familiar disposable cups and topped the charts with hits like “Chapel of Love” and “Iko Iko”. Near the end of the twentieth century, another all-girl group hit the charts with a name containing the word “dixie”. That group, the Dixie Chicks, generated some controversy, but it came from political statements and not from their name. I’m not aware of any controversy at all associated with the Dixie Cups, and I’m guessing that they didn’t consider the word “dixie” to be racist.

But recently the word has been associated with racism by some. The Dixie Highway has been included in some of these claims which naturally caused me to take notice. It is an outgrowth of the rise of controversy and confrontation over Confederate monuments and streets named after Confederate generals. If the move to change a roughly six-mile-long street from Hood to Hope was complicated, renaming a piece of the nearly 6,000-mile-long Dixie Highway must be at least three orders of magnitude more so.

The aforementioned Hood Street was in Hollywood, FL, where three streets (Hood, Lee, and Forest) were renamed (Hope, Liberty, and Freedom) in November 2017. In Riviera Beach, FL, a couple of miles of Old Dixie Highway were renamed President Barack Obama Highway in 2015. The picture at left was taken between the two, near Boyton Beach. Of course, the word “dixie” had nothing to do with the renamings in Hollywood. The generals after which the streets were named had clearly been chosen because of their roles in the Confederacy. The word didn’t have much to do with the name change in Riviera Beach, either. Residents cited the role of the street as a dividing line between black and white and the site of KKK cross burnings.

Although I’d have preferred it hadn’t happened, I have no serious objection to the Riviera Beach action. It was based on specific and painful memories. That doesn’t always appear to be the case when replacing the Dixie Highway name is proposed. Published reports of these proposals have occasionally prompted me to send emails to people connected with them. It is not done to protest but to inform. We road fans often comment — and sometimes laugh or cry — about people being completely oblivious to a major historic highway running right by their door. Knowing how common that is with “celebrities” like the Lincoln Highway and Route 66, we shouldn’t be surprised that it is even more often the case with the lesser known and more complex Dixie Highway. Not knowing just how important or far-reaching all the roads in your neighborhood once were is a pretty natural situation.

It seems that even we fans don’t always consider that “far-reaching” bit. It’s OK to be saddened by a name change, but there is no reason to verbally abuse, as I’ve seen too many times, those backing a change. Removing the name Dixie Highway from a few miles of Florida — or other — roadway is not going to affect all those other miles any more than Cheyenne, WY, (The first town to do so.) changing its Main Street to Lincoln Way impacted the rest of the continent crossing highway. The Dixie Highway, as well as every other named auto trail, was never labeled with its name in every jurisdiction it passed through. Numbered US and state highways utilize streets and roads with all sorts of names. Not one inch of US-66 officially exists at present yet people follow it every day. The Adairsville, GA, pavement in the picture at left is officially named and signed Main Street but that doesn’t change its past as a part of the Dixie Highway or prevent it being unofficially marked as such.

Most of the talk about renaming sections of the Dixie Highway has originated in Florida. In some sense, that’s ironic since the Dixie Highway was a major factor in the development of the state. On the other hand, development is rarely 100% beneficial to all and I’ve no doubt that many were negatively impacted by the development and the road that helped it along. Plus, as those Riviera Beach memories show, experiences generate stronger feelings than a name or a physical path ever could. About two weeks ago, the New York Times published an article based on discussions in Florida’s Miami-Dade County. Its audience was almost certainly wider than that of similar articles publishes by Florida based news organizations. One indication of that was a small but obvious two-day blip in visits to an eight-year-old Dixie Highway related post on this blog. Maybe that’s somehow fitting since I’ve often quoted the Times when trying to convey that the Dixie Highway is not inherently evil. In 1915, the paper referred to the route as “The Dixie Peaceway” when it reported the formation of the Dixie Highway Association. It described the road as “a monument to celebrate the half-century of peace within the Union”. Maybe that was hyperbole or maybe it really reflected the feelings of the time. If so, it seems extra sad that so many see it as something entirely different today.

Those people who found this site after reading the New York Times article didn’t learn a whole lot during their visit but they were obviously curious. They were brought by search engines which may have also taken them to other sites where they learned much more. Whether curiosity was their only reason for visiting or they were decision-makers gathering background, I’ll never know. Regardless, I suspect we will see a few more miles of Dixie Highway get renamed before it’s all over. That’s unfortunate but hardly a disaster. No matter the name, it will still smell like a rose — or maybe an orange blossom — with strong undertones of asphalt and Model T brake bands.

ADDENDUM 9-Feb-2020: Some thoughts on the markers placed along the Dixie Highway by the United Daughters of the Confederacy were considered for this post but have been given their own post instead. Free? Advertising on the Dixie

2019 in the Rear View

The year in numbers with 2018 values in parentheses:

  • 5 (6) = Road trips reported
  • 69 (67) = Blog posts
  • 47 (66) = Days on the road
  • 1641 (1941) = Pictures posted — 543 (473) in the blog and 1098 (1468) in Road Trips

Trips, days on the road, and pictures posted are all down and I believe it can all be blamed on that July through September gap when a variety of life’s activities kept me off the road and close to home. The slight uptick in blog posts comes from me doing a couple more reviews this year than last. Two of those new-for-2019 blog posts join three oldies in the top five list. For the second year in a row, all of the top five trip journal entries were for major trips which is the way I always thought it should be. One was even a 2019 outing.

Top Blog Posts:

  1. Twenty Mile’s Last Stand
    This post takes the number one spot for the third time. It was published in 2012 and was the most popular post that year and again in 2013. It ranked fourth in 2014 then dropped out of this list until reappearing last year at number five. That was quite a mystery and it climbing back to number one this year even more so. A follow-up post, Roadhouse Down, also got a fair amount of attention. As I said last year, I’d like to think some of the visits are from people involved in the demolition of this historic building who are feeling a little remorse.
  2. An Awesome Travel Accomplishment
    There’s not much mystery in this post making the top five list. Hugh Donovan’s awesome accomplishment was reaching all 3142 United States counties in less — a lot less — than a year. Of course, Hugh had lots of followers as he racked up the counties, and visits from some of them helped make this my second most popular blog post of the year. By wonderful luck, the feat was completed about three miles from my home so I could attend the celebration, meet Hugh and his family and supporters, and snap the opening photo.
  3. My Wheels – Chapter 1 1960 J. C. Higgins Flightliner
    This post has been on the list since it first appeared in 2013. This is, in fact, its lowest ranking after three firsts and three seconds. Does that mean interest in the first brand new vehicle I ever owned is fading? I wouldn’t count on it.
  4. Much Miscellany 2, Sloopy at 50
    Just cracking the top five when it first appeared during Hang on Sloopy‘s fiftieth anniversary year of 2015, this post reappeared last year at number four and hangs on 😉 to the same spot this year.
  5. Portsmouth Road Meet
    Technically the fifth-ranked blog post of 2019 was the follow-up to the number one post mentioned above, but assuming that many of the visits to those two posts were connected allows me to slip another new-for-2019 post into the list. This post benefited from having a targeted audience in those who attended but probably even more from those who wanted to but couldn’t.

Top Non-Blog Posts:

  1. Kitty Hawk Holidays
    This was last year’s Christmas trip so it had a full year to accumulate visits. It was scheduled around the anniversary of the Wright Brothers’ first flight and began just over a week before Christmas. The 115th anniversary of that historic flight was celebrated on December 17 and I’m sure some of the post’s visitors came for reporting on that event and the Kitty Hawk area. But there was also a lot of driving around the Outer Banks (It was my first visit.) then through North Carolina on US-64. I spent Christmas in Knoxville, Tennessee.
  2. Sixty-Six: E2E & F2F
    The third of my four full-length Route 66 drives returns for its second consecutive and overall fourth top-five appearance. It was number four last year, number five in 2015, and number one in 2012. I can’t explain why it has returned and moved up two places, but I can explain that E2E means End-to-End and F2F means Friend-to-Friend.
  3. JHA 2019 Conference
    The Jefferson Highway Association held its eighth annual conference in Natchitoches, Louisiana. That’s not only a great place for a conference but makes for a great drive to and from. It’s nice to see a trip journal in the top five during the year it was posted.
  4. Dirk and Lincoln
    I had never seen Dirk Hamilton perform with a band before and took this opportunity to see him in a place where he used to perform in a reunion with the band he used to perform with there. I rounded things out (and cobbled up the title) with some Lincoln Highway. Three recent and consecutive trips made the top five. This November 2018 trip was followed by the Kitty Hawk trip (#1) in December and the JHA conference (#3) in April.
  5. LHA Centennial Tour
    Like the #2 Route 66 trip, this one is back for the fourth time. It was also ranked fifth last year and in 2016 after debuting at number four in 2013 when it was new. The journal and a resulting book (By Mopar to the Golden Gate) cover a drive on the 100-year-old Lincoln Highway in a 50-year-old car.

Both website visits and blog views were again down. Website visits went from 100,878 to 96,512. Blog views dropped from 6,757 to 5135. A chart of blog views looks like a near-perfect arch with steady increases to a peak in 2015 and steady decreases each year since. Total visits to the website haven’t been quite as well behaved. A lack of support for small screens triggered a huge drop in search engine hits in 2015 when Google got serious about searches from mobile devices. Adding the support brought a partial recovery over the next couple of years but it looks like a steady decline similar to that seen with the blog has now set in. Visits are less than half of the 2014 peak. Curiously, page views have again increased to 726,399 from 2018’s 658,425. Fewer people are looking but they’re looking at more.

While I believe, and accept, that the popularity of this site is in decline, there is an actual explanation for some of this year’s drop. Sometime around the middle of the year, shared servers at my hosting company, Arvixe, were identified as spammers by Verizon and its Yahoo and AOL divisions. The result, without getting into technical details, is that some, most, or all messages sent from my journal and blog mailing lists to a yahoo.com, aol.com, or verizon.net address have been rejected. There has been some progress since I became aware of the problem but it is far from solved. I am considering changing providers but am reluctant to undertake the effort involved. I am otherwise fairly happy with my current provider and fear trading a known mess for an unknown one. I am, for the moment, undecided. The RSS feeds, incidentally, work just fine.

Last year’s summary spoke of two books nearing publication. There were actually three books published in 2019 and all were “reviewed” in the blog: A Canadian Connection, Jefferson Highway All the Way, and Six of Each. All those and a couple more are listed at Trip Mouse Publishing.

Even though the blog entries for them weren’t popular enough to make the top five, I think three events of 2019 deserve mention in this look back. In July I visited my 200th brewery (200 Breweries), August saw the twentieth anniversary of the first trip reported on this site (It Was Twenty Years Ago Today…), and I celebrated ten years of retirement in November (A Decade Driving and Such). The brewery count is now at 224, 158 trips have been reported on the site, and I’ve now been retired 10 years, 2 months, 3 weeks, and 1 day.

I Care Less About How You Vote Than If. (2019)

yvyvWe fought a war to get this country going then gave every land-owning white male above the age of twenty-one the right to vote. A little more than fourscore years later, we fought a war with ourselves that cleared the way for non-whites to vote. Several decades of loud, disruptive, and sometimes dangerous behavior brought the granting of that same right to non-males a half-century later, and another half-century saw the voting age lowered to eighteen after a decade or so of protests and demonstrations.

dftv1Of course, putting something in a constitution does not automatically make it a practice throughout the land and I am painfully aware that resistance followed each of those changes and that efforts to make voting extremely difficult for “the other side” are ongoing today. I don’t want to ignore partisan obstructions and system flaws but neither do I want to get hung up on them. I meant my first paragraph to be a reminder that a hell of a lot of effort, property, and lives have gone into providing an opportunity to vote to a hell of a lot of people. Far too many of those opportunities go unused.

A Wikipedia article I have referenced in years past has been updated and a table showing voter turnout in a number of countries for the period 1960-1995 has been removed. Sadly, the point being made by the inclusion of that table, that the United States trails most of the world’s democracies in voter turnout, continues to be supported by more recent statistics such as those cited in a Pew Research article. We may be getting slightly better, however. 2018 turnout set a record for midterm elections as reported in this Vox article. Let us hope that continues. I noticed something in the Pew Research article that I simply hadn’t realized previously. The United States has the greatest difference between the percentage of voting-age population (VAP) actually voting and registered voters actually voting. In many countries, there is no difference at all since to be a citizen is to be allowed to vote. In other countries, the difference is trivial. In the U.S. presidential election of 2016, it was a whopping 31.1% (86.8-55.7). I found that startling. I think that means only 64.1% of the VAP is registered which rather clearly shows the importance of voter registration efforts.

dftv2I first posted the core of this article in 2014. In the original title, I claimed to not care how anyone votes. That was never entirely true, of course. I have my favorite candidates and issues. I’ll be disappointed in anyone who votes differently than I do but not nearly as disappointed as I’ll be in anyone who doesn’t vote at all. I’m reminded of parents working on getting their kids to clean their plates with lines like, “There are hungry children in China who would love to have your green beans.” I’m not sure what the demand for leftover beans is in Beijing these days but I’m pretty sure some folks there would like to have our access to ballots and voting booths.

200 Breweries

I like beer. I like beer well enough to be a Supreme Court justice although my other qualifications are rather weak. I’ve had favorites from time to time. I was pretty much a Stroh’s guy in the 1960s and ’70s, then became a big fan of Christian Moerlein Select when Hudepohl introduced it in 1981. But I’ll confess to never being entirely faithful to a single brand. My roving tastebuds would sometimes be led into temptation by an exotic label or a shapely bottle. Today, encouraged and aided by the craft beer explosion, I’m downright promiscuous. Several years ago I began using Utappd, a phone app that allows me to track the various beers I’ve tried, and I’ve accumulated a decent score. I have, since January of 2014, consumed a measurable amount of 1202 different beers.

Yes, that’s decent, but it pales next to some others. Just within my small circle of Untappd cohorts, Brian is over 1600, Sara is pushing 1900 (and now only logs on special occasions), and Nick is well past 3000. I’ll never catch them, of course, and I’m OK with that. If nothing else, when someone accuses me of being too fickle in my drinking, I can point to Nick or Sara or Brian and say, “But not like them!”

Besides, as the title of this post indicates, I have other things to brag about. I enjoy logging different venues about as much as I like logging beers and that goes double for breweries. In the beginning, I didn’t watch closely. I was almost halfway to the current count before it registered with me that logging breweries was something I was doing more than most. I completely missed the 100 brewery milestone but did note number 115 with a weak joke about Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream. I’ve been much more attentive as I approached completion of the second hundred and my thoughts have been on Zappa rather than Dylan. It’s not only giving me an opportunity to brag but an opportunity to recount some of the breweries I’ve seen.

For starters, here are numbers 1 and 200. My first check-in of Lock 27 Brewing was on January 31, 2014. It was not, of course, the first brewery I ever visited. I have vague memories of being inside the recently departed Hudepohl brewery several decades ago and I toured the oldest brewery in the US, Yuengling, back in 2005. A blog post from just about a year before I joined Untappd (Something’s Brewing in Cincy) describes visits to five breweries and mentions a couple more. And there were others. Lock 27 was simply the first brewery I visited after joining Untappd. My 200th brewery was the part-circus part-brewery Bircus. It’s in a converted movie theater just across the river in Kentucky and is more upfront about their tumbling and juggling than most breweries.

Dayton, Ohio, where Lock 27 Brewing is located, is also home to some truly unique producers of beer. Carillon Brewing Company (#24 12/8/14) is part of Carillon Historical Park and brews beer the old fashioned way. I mean the 160-year-old fashioned way. With the exception of piped-in water, the operation duplicates a brewery of the 1850s. I did a full blog post, History by the Pint, on my first visit. Pinups & Pints (#– 4/8/15) is a tiny 15-gallon operation that offers one choice of beer at a time. Unfortunately, Untappd had not yet identified it as a brewery when I was there so it is not one of my 200 (It would have been #30). Even so, how could I not include “The World’s Only Strip Club – Brew Pub” in this post? And Untappd does now recognize it as a brewery. The third picture is of Ohio’s first and the nation’s second co-op brewpub shortly before it opened. Fifth Street Brewpub (#3 2/12/14) is the only brewery I currently “own” a tiny piece of (it’s a co-op!) and the one with the most Untappd check-ins. Here‘s a picture from the most recent of those check-ins.

I used the word ‘currently’ in the preceding paragraph because I once owned a few shares of the ahead-of-its-time Oldenberg Brewery in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky. Somewhere I have a beautiful and totally worthless stock certificate for the brewery that closed in 2001.

Two other visited breweries deserve shout-outs because of their locations. Silver Gulch Brewing (#79 6/29/16) and Kona Brewing (#123 4/7/17) are, respectively, the USA’s northernmost and southernmost breweries. I claim a bonus point for reaching these outposts within a year of each other. I have yet to reach the westernmost (Kauai Island) or easternmost (Lubec) breweries in the US.

Maybe I’ll make it to three or four hundred or beyond. I’ve started the second 200 like I started the first, with Lock 27. In 2017, a second location, which Untappd counts as a separate brewery, was opened just outside the Dayton Dragons ball field. The Dragons are an affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds who are celebrating 150 years of professional baseball this year. A few months ago, Cincinnati.com published an article listing fifty-one breweries in the area including fifteen I’ve yet to visit. There is also an unvisited-by-me brewery in the ten listed by the Dayton CVB. The Ohio Craft Brewers Association reports that there are now more than 300 breweries operating in the state which means I could reach the next multiple of a hundred without crossing a state line — but I doubt I will.

2018 in the Rear View

The year in numbers with 2017 values in parentheses:

  • 6 (9) = Road trips reported
  • 67 (73) = Blog posts
  • 66 (66) = Days on the road
  • 1941 (1896) = Pictures posted — 473 (284) in the blog and 1468 (1612) in Road Trips

I was on the road for the same number of days this year as last but packed them into three less trips. The three less trips account for half of the drop in blog posts with one less Sunday and two less reviews accounting for the rest. I posted a few less pictures from trip journals but more than made up for it with a significant increase in the number of pictures posted in the blog. There were no new-for-2018 blog posts in the top five but a new-for-2018 trip journal entry crabbed the top slot on the non-blog list.

Top Blog Posts:

  1. My Wheels – Chapter 1 1960 J. C. Higgins Flightliner
    After a couple of years in second place, the My Wheels post on my first brand new bicycle recaptures first. Three firsts and three seconds account for the post’s six years of existence.
  2. Hats Off to Larry
    This appeared more than a month before the Flightliner post but this is the first time it’s made the top five. The occasion for the post was a retirement party for musician Larry Goshorn. For the most part, Larry has stuck to his decision to retire from performing although he did release a CD of mostly previously recorded material titled I Wish I Could Fly in 2016. Health issues that prompted the decision to retire have continued. I have to note that the post on the passing of Larry’s brother Tim topped last year’s list. I have no guesses as to why this post got increased attention this year.
  3. Book Review — How to Visit All 50 States in 12 Trips
    This post ranked third when it first appeared in 2014, but this is the first time it has made it back to the top five since then. The book’s author, Terri Weeks, has begun working as a travel agent which might have something to do with the increased interest.
  4. Much Miscellany 2, Sloopy at 50
    Like this year’s number three post, this one made the top five when it first appeared and is just now returning to the list. That first time was in 2015 when the song Hang on Sloopy turned fifty years old.
  5. Twenty Mile’s Last Stand
    This ranked number one in 2012, when it was first published and there was still hope of saving the historic Twenty Mile House, and in 2013, when it was demolished (Roadhouse Down). It was still on the list, at number four, in 2014. It dropped off in 2015 but a retrospective article (Twenty Mile Stand Two Years On) took the number four slot that year. I can’t explain its return but would like to think that at least one of those visits was from someone involved in the demolition feeling a little remorse.

Top Non-Blog Posts:

  1. JHA 2018 Conference
    It seems like I’m seriously baffled each year by some of the non-blog posts that make the top five but not this year. Every one is the journal of a major trip and that’s what the non-blog part of this website is basically about. It’s true that the eight years of Oddment entries are part of this category although they actually have much more in common with the blog than the trip journal. That observation is supported by the fact that I ceased posting Oddments less than a year and a half after the blog first appeared. But statistics for Oddments and the trip journal are compiled together so I’ll continue to rank them together but it’s kind of nice to see, for only the second time, all five top non-blog slots filled with fairly major road trips. It also feels nice, although I can’t explain exactly why, that the top ranked post is the biggest trip of the year just ending. This twenty-four day trip was named for the conference I attended in the middle of a full length drive of the Jefferson Highway.
  2. Alaska
    he journal for my longest — 41 days — trip ever maintains its top five perfection with this second place finish to go along with a fourth (2017) and third (2016).
  3. My Fiftieth: Hawaii
    This fairly epic trip didn’t make the cut last year when it took place, but earned a respectable third this year.
  4. Sixty-Six: E2E & F2F
    The third of my four full length Route 66 drives has appeared in the top five twice before. It topped the list when it was brand new in 2012 and grabbed the fifth spot in 2015. Its target was a Route 66 festival in Victorville, CA. The cryptic bits of the title stand for End-to-End & Friend-to-Friend.
  5. LHA Centennial Tour
    At 35 days, this 2013 coast-to-coast drive of the Lincoln Highway is my second longest. It happened when the road was 100 years old in a car that was 50 years old. Its two previous list appearances were at fourth in 2013 and fifth in 2016.

Both website visits and blog views were down. Website visits went from 138,047 to 100,878. Blog views dropped from 7,485 to 6,757. That may just indicate that the site is becoming increasingly irrelevant although overall page views increased from 578,893 to 658,425. I really have no idea what any of that means.

Four of the trips behind the top five non-blog posts have been or will be covered in book form. The Lincoln Highway Centennial trip is the subject of By Mopar to the Golden Gate. The Alaska and Hawaii trips are a big part of 50 @ 70. A book on the Canadian portion of the Alaska trip, A Canadian Connection, is complete and will be available within days. A not-yet-titled book on last year’s Jefferson Highway trip is in progress and should appear within a few months. Learn more at Trip Mouse Publishing.

I Care Less About How You Vote Than If. (2018)

This post has appeared four times under the title “I Care Not How. Only If.” and each appearance after the first started off with a defense of that title. The defense was basically, “Yeah, I do care how you vote but, even if you’re doing it wrong, I think you should.” This year I changed the title so I can skip the defense. Next year I hope to skip the explanation, too.

On January 30, the day of President Trump’s first State of the Union speech, NPR aired a Mara Liasson article entitled “The State Of Our Politics Is Divided, Mistrustful And Engaged“. The text of the article simplified this to “tribal” and “engaged” which I think would have been a better title. Those two words registered with me as I listened and they’ve stuck with me ever since. One’s bad and one’s good. One negative and the other positive. I’d long been painfully aware of the tribalism which pushed Liasson to note that “More than ever before voters and politicians seem to be taking sides not according to issues or principles or ideology but according to their political tribe.” I was much less aware of the increased engagement she saw but I have noted, with great hope, some since then. Some analysts, in fact, predict record voter turnout for a midterm election. Liasson ended her article with, “Whether you’re a woman or from an immigrant community running for the first time or a white working-class Trump supporter who voted for the first time two years ago, this renewed sense of civic responsibility is the first step to making the state of our politics less broken.” I like the way she thinks. I hope she’s right.

yvyvWe fought a war to get this country going then gave every land owning white male above the age of twenty-one the right to vote. A little more than four score years later, we fought a war with ourselves that cleared the way for non-whites to vote. Several decades of loud, disruptive, and sometimes dangerous behavior brought the granting of that same right to non-males a half-century later, and another half century saw the voting age lowered to eighteen after a decade or so of protests and demonstrations.

dftv1Of course, putting something in a constitution does not automatically make it a practice throughout the land and I am painfully aware that resistance followed each of those changes and that efforts to make voting extremely difficult for “the other side” are ongoing today. I don’t want to ignore partisan obstructions and system flaws but neither do I want to get hung up on them. I meant my first paragraph to be a reminder that a hell of a lot of effort, property, and lives have gone into providing an opportunity to vote to a hell of a lot of people. Far too many of those opportunities go unused.

There are so many ways to slice and dice the numbers that producing a fair and accurate measure of voter turn out may not be possible. A Wikipedia article on the subject includes a table of voter turnout in a number of countries for the period 1960-1995. The United States is at the bottom. The numbers are more than twenty years old and open to interpretation so maybe we’re doing better now or maybe we shouldn’t have been dead last even then. But even if you want to think we are better than that, being anywhere near the bottom of the list and having something in the vicinity of 50% turnout is embarrassing… and frightening.

dftv2In the original title I claimed to not care how anyone votes. That was never entirely true, of course. I have my favorite candidates and issues. I’ll be disappointed in anyone who votes differently than I do but not nearly as disappointed as I’ll be in anyone who doesn’t vote at all. I’m reminded of parents working on getting their kids to clean their plates with lines like, “There are hungry children in China who would love to have your green beans.” I’m not sure what the demand for leftover beans is in Beijing these days but I’m pretty sure some folks there would like to have our access to ballots and voting booths.

Some Subtle Stuff

A long time reader recently suggested I do a post on the various cars I’ve used on road trips. That’s not a bad idea and I’m thinking about it. This blog does have a series of posts on some of the hardware I’ve used in making and documenting the trips (My Gear) and another on the software (My Apps). There is also a series on vehicles I’ve owned (My Wheels). That series, however, is not just about cars used on documented road trips. In fact, not one vehicle from those trips has yet appeared. But it’s close. The series is just two chapters away from featuring the car used on my first documented trip in 1999. The 31 My Wheels chapters published so far have been spread over 65 months which suggests that it will be well over a year before the seven owned cars used in documented trips get their chapters. So maybe it makes sense to do a single post with a brief mention of each of the seven. Maybe not. That’s what I’m thinking about.

Regardless of whether or not I do a post on those road trip cars, that suggestion did lead directly to this post. Technically, it wasn’t the suggestion itself that triggered this post; It was the conversation that followed.

When I mentioned it, I learned that the fellow who suggested the car post wasn’t aware that the “Prev” and “Next” buttons on the journal’s daily pages usually reflect the car I’m driving on the trip. I wasn’t overly surprised; It’s rather subtle and has never been spelled out anywhere. But it reminded me of another long time feature that another long time reader had been unaware of until quite recently. This particular reader didn’t realize or had forgotten that a map is part of each trip journal. That’s really easy to understand on the multi-day trips since the map button appears on the trip cover page and not on the daily pages that are the subject of RSS entries and most email notifications. So here we go, with “Five Things You Might Not Know about DennyGibson.com”.

Prev & Next Buttons

All daily pages for multi-day trips have text links for the previous and next day with buttons made of left and right facing vehicles above them. That has been true from the very beginning. That first trip was made in a red Corvette convertible and that’s what formed the buttons. They were static on that first trip but started “popping” when the cursor hovered over them on the second multi-day trip and they had done that ever since.

It’s possible that the concept of the buttons exactly matching the car used on the trip wasn’t yet firmly established, but I think I just intentionally broke from it for the third and fourth multi-day trips. That third multi-day trip was a retrace of one my great-grandparents had made in a Model T. I couldn’t get a suitable picture of the car they actually drove but I did get one of a Model T they owned later and which an uncle owns now. The next trip requiring buttons involved a caravan of Corvettes of every year and I used a picture of the inaugural 1953 model. For the 2004 Tiger Cruise with my sailor son on the USS Enterprise, I used a silhouette of the aircraft carrier. For a couple of Amtrak trips, I used a picture of a toy train. For rental cars, I’ve mostly used generic sedans although I did use a red Jeep, which matched two of the three cars I rented, on the 2017 Hawaii trip. Other than that, those buttons have accurately shown the model and color of the car being driven if not the actual car.

Locator Maps

Although a locator map wasn’t initially part of a trip journal, I did start doing it fairly early on then retrofitted one to journals already posted. A small button shaped like the contiguous US accesses the maps. For multi-day trips, the button is at the top of the cover page next to the trip title. For single day trips, it’s next to the trip title on the only page there is. The general model is a map of the route “zoomed” to fill the available space sitting atop a map of the US with a red rectangle marking the area involved.

To date, DeLorme Street Atlas has been used to produce these maps. With Street Atlas no longer supported, how long that will continue is naturally in question. I do own the final (2015) version of Street Atlas and the resolution of locator maps is not at a level to be affected by minor undocumented changes in the real world. I expect locator maps to continue to be part of future journals although it’s quite possible the tools used to produce them, and therefore their appearance, will change.

The most recent journal has a second map button. For my full length drive of the Jefferson Highway, I imported my planned route to Google Maps and made it available. A big advantage of this over the static locator map images is the ability to zoom and otherwise interact with the map to see details as well as the high level overview. A big disadvantage is that it makes a feature of DennyGibson.com dependent on the functioning of another website. While this is something I try to avoid, it’s not the first. For example, the site search feature utilizes Google’s search capabilities. The Jefferson Highway map was shared with very little manual intervention so it’s possible, but not guaranteed, that I will continue the practice.

Trip Collage

The journals of all completed trips are available through either a list or a collage of photos. Both are accessed under “Done Deeds-All Trips”. I’m mentioning the collage here because it is a personal favorite and something I’ve received almost no feedback on. The collage consists of a single thumbnail from every completed trip. The images are displayed in chronological order and clicking on one leads to the associated journal. I’ve said that one of the reasons this website exists is to eventually feed me my own memories. The collage already does that to some degree which probably explains why I like it while others aren’t so impressed.


A “Random” selection is also available under “Done Deeds-All Trips”. Clicking it presents a single picture from the collage which can be clicked to get to the associated journal. It’s useful when you are really really bored.


A link to the Frequently Asked Questions page appears on the site’s home page so maybe it’s not all that subtle. But there are lots of other letters on that page so I’ll grab this chance to mention it. It’s a little like a larger version of this post with the obvious exception that everything in this post answered an unasked question while only part of the FAQ page does that.

500 Posts

Last Sunday’s post was this blog’s 500th. Some blogs I follow have thousands of posts. Some, with multiple contributors, publish more than 500 posts each and every year. Many celebrated their 500th post a long time ago if they bothered to note it at all. Of course there are others that caught my attention and subscription only to fade out after a few articles. They will never reach 500. Then there are the sporadic blogs that may or may not. They start a short series of posts with “Sorry it’s been so long” then, after a return to silence, do it all over again. And I know there are many more that never caught either my attention or subscription. So, even though 500 isn’t a major milestone for everyone, I’m pretty sure that a lot more blogs don’t reach it than do. Therefore, by golly, I’m going to celebrate. And, by celebrate, I mean brag.

In the initial, “Hello again, world”, post on August 7, 2011, I stated my goal of posting at least every Sunday and, with a single exception, I’ve done that. The blog has never been focused on anything in particular but from the beginning I intended to announce road trips that were being documented elsewhere on the site and, fairly early on, I started doing some reviews. With the exception of a couple of early trip announcements that filled Sunday slots, these announcements and reviews, along with some truly “miscellaneous” posts, were in addition to the Sunday morning articles which means it didn’t take 500 weeks to reach 500 posts. It took 6 years and 8 months or about 344 weeks.

There have been 185 “formula” posts with predetermined topics and formats. 48 trip announcements and 7 year end reviews are included in that count. The other 130 are “filler” posts used when “my world is too busy or too boring for a current events piece to be completed in time for the Sunday posting”. These are typically created in advance and can be posted without regard to date. They come from four groups. There were 11 My Apps chapters, 20 My Gear chapters, 30 My Wheels chapters, and 69 Trip Peeks. Trip Peeks and trip announcements are close to brainless. The others usually require at least a little thought and some photo editing. Trip Peeks and trip announcements require little or no photo editing and the only writing involved is a one or two paragraph summary of the associated trip. The blog was a little more than a year old when I resorted to posting the first Trip Peek. I’d completed 107 trips at the time and that seemed like an endless supply. I’ve added 41 trips since then but I’ve used the peek trick more often than expected and my “endless supply” is down to 79.

Will this blog get to 1000? Don’t know. I didn’t expect this website to live for ten years or even five and it’s closing in on twenty. The blog is hardly consistent in terms of subject matter. Topics have ranged from museums, to music, to food, to cars, to the blog itself and the tools involved. The quality might not be all that consistent either. I’m certainly not the best person to judge that but I don’t think it’s ever been horrible. Nor has it ever been earth shatteringly great. What has been consistent is the timing. Or maybe dependable is a better word. Yeah, dependable probably is the better way to describe having some sort of post every Sunday and then some. And that’s what I’m bragging about.

2017 in the Rear View

The year in numbers with 2016 values in parentheses:

  • 9 (7) = Road trips reported
  • 73 (69) = Blog posts
  • 66 (90) = Days on the road
  • 1896 (2418) = Pictures posted — 284 (323) in the blog and 1612 (2095) in Road Trips

Things are more or less back to normal after last year’s extra long (and extra exotic) Alaska trip boosted the days and pictures counts significantly. The number of blog posts was nudged upward by 2017 having 53 Sundays. The regular weekly posts were augmented with links for the nine road trips and eleven reviews. In a flip-flop from last year’s summary, two new-for-2017 blog posts made the top five while no new-for-2017 trip journal entries did. The Hawaii trip was closest at number ten.

Top Blog Posts:

  1. Remembering Timmy
    The most visited post of 2017 was also the saddest. Musician and friend Tim Goshorn died in mid-April just weeks after being diagnosed with cancer. Tim and brothers Larry and Dan put the Goshorn name in the top tier of the Cincinnati music scene and Tim and Larry became nationally known as members of Pure Prairie League. That fame and the fact that he was just such a wonderful person had a lot of people sharing memories on the internet. In this post I shared some of mine.
  2. My Wheels – Chapter 1 1960 J. C. Higgins Flightliner
    The first post in the My Wheel series maintains its perfect top five record with a third second place ranking to go with two firsts. Visitors appear to continue to come through specific searches with no interest in anything else on this site. But I still appreciate them.
  3. Book Review — The World from My Bike
    This is the other 2017 post in the top five. It’s a book review that is here due to the author’s popularity and because she shared the review with her own followers. Anna Grechishkina is not yet a famous author but she is becoming well known as a traveler. This is her first book and it’s filled with photos and thoughts from her not yet complete motorcycle ride around the world. It’s certainly impressive and I’m betting there will be at least one more after she completes her journey and is back home in Ukraine.
  4. Scoring the Dixie
    This post about keeping track of driven sections of the Dixie Highway placed fourth when it was published in 2012, was third in 2015, and is back at fourth for 2017. I’m sensing a slow increase in interest in all old roads including the Dixie Highway. In the year’s closing months, there was even a slight uptick in the popularity of my own Dixie Highway related book, A Decade Driving the Dixie Highway, as sales rose from abysmal to anemic.
  5. Ohio’s Revolutionary War Battle
    This 2012 post appears in the top five for the second time. In 2013, when it ranked fourth, I attributed its popularity to the bicentennial of the War of 1812 and the post’s mention of names associated with that war. This year I have no theory at all.

Top Non-Blog Posts:

  1. Ohio Barn Dance
    Both of this year’s top two non-blog posts are mysteries to me. The most visited journal entry is a rather simple 2007 day trip on some scenic southern Ohio roads. The name comes from the fact that several old barns were passed along the way. In researching 2017 statistics, I discovered a big goof. Trip Peeks are blog posts that I publish when I have nothing better. Each one references the journal of a randomly selected road trip. A Trip Peek for Ohio Barn Dance was published in 2017. In fact it was published twice. First on October 22 and again on November 26. How that happened I don’t know but it did. It’s tempting to say the journal traffic is the result of the double posting but it clearly isn’t. For one thing, Trip Peeks never generate enough interest to account for anything near what this entry saw. Besides, the surge appears to have started back in April long before the first Trip Peek posting.
  2. Bi Byways
    I don’t understand this 2004 two day trip coming in second in in 2017 any more than I understood it coming in second in 2015 or first in 2016. The byways involved are the Miami and Erie Canal Scenic Byway and the Maumee Valley Byway and all of OH-66 is included.
  3. Tadmor
    This is an Oddment page about an Ohio ghost town. After ranking first, second, and first in the first three “Rearview” posts (2011, 2012, 2013), it dropped out of the rankings but reappears for 2017.
  4. Alaska
    he journal for that long 2016 trip to Alaska was number three last year and hangs on to number four this year.
  5. Finding It Here
    This was a three day Christmas Escape Run that never left Ohio, but it was the last trip of 2016 so had all year to accumulate enough views to claim fifth place.

Once again, overall traffic numbers were mixed. Visits, which dropped slightly last year, increased from 107,898 to 138,047, while blog views dropped again, going from 8,136 to 7485. Page views were nearly unchanged with 579,110 for 2016 and 578,893 for 2017.

Though it didn’t make the top five, the highest ranked new journal entry, My Fiftieth: Hawaii, marked a significant real word milestone for me. As the title suggests, reaching Hawaii meant I could now claim to have visited all fifty states of the union. It also provided a pretty good reason to write another book. That book, 50 @ 70, celebrates reaching fifty states and seventy years of age at the same time. Unlike my previous two books, 50 @ 70 isn’t associated with a particular road (or any thing else) so doesn’t even get attention from niche road fans. Sales need to increase a bunch to be considered abysmal. Anemic is probably out of range. 

I Care Not How. Only If. (2017)

This post from 2014 is making its fourth appearance. Last year a pre-election post by Mike Rowe got a lot of attention and caused me to rethink my own post. I used a line of Mike’s to end last year’s preamble: “Because the truth is, the country doesn’t need voters who have to be cajoled, enticed, or persuaded to cast a ballot. We need voters who wish to participate in the process.”

Besides talking about needing only “voters who wish to participate”, Mike’s post speaks of the need for voters to be qualified. It’s possible to see the results of last year’s presidential election being partially due to the participation of unqualified voters. It’s also possible to see it as the result of non-participation by qualified voters. That non-participation is doubly troubling when it is the result of folks being denied their vote by those in power. I’m closing this year’s preamble with a line from an image that has appeared at the end of each of my pre-election day posts: “Bad politicians are elected by good people who don’t vote.”

yvyvWe fought a war to get this country going then gave every land owning white male above the age of twenty-one the right to vote. A little more than four score years later, we fought a war with ourselves that cleared the way for non-whites to vote. Several decades of loud, disruptive, and sometimes dangerous behavior brought the granting of that same right to non-males a half-century later and another half century saw the voting age lowered to eighteen after a decade or so of protests and demonstrations.

dftv1Of course, putting something in a constitution does not automatically make it a practice throughout the land and I am painfully aware that resistance followed each of those changes and that efforts to make voting extremely difficult for “the other side” are ongoing today. I don’t want to ignore partisan obstructions and system flaws but neither do I want to get hung up on them. I meant my first paragraph to be a reminder that a hell of a lot of effort, property, and lives have gone into providing an opportunity to vote to a hell of a lot of people. Far too many of those opportunities go unused.

There are so many ways to slice and dice the numbers that producing a fair and accurate measure of voter turn out may not be possible. A Wikipedia article  on the subject includes a table of voter turnout in a number of countries for the period 1960-1995. The United States is at the bottom. The numbers are nearly twenty years old and open to interpretation so maybe we’re doing better now or maybe we shouldn’t have been dead last even then. But even if you want to think we are better than that, being anywhere near the bottom of the list and having something in the vicinity of 50% turnout is embarrassing… and frightening.

dftv2In the title I claim to not care how anyone votes. That’s not entirely true, of course. I have my favorite candidates and issues. I’ll be disappointed in anyone who votes differently than I do but not nearly as disappointed as I’ll be in anyone who doesn’t vote at all. I’m reminded of parents working on getting their kids to clean their plates with lines like, “There are hungry children in China who would love to have your green beans.” I’m not sure what the demand for leftover beans is in Beijing these days but I’m pretty sure some folks there would like to have our access to ballots and voting booths.