My Wheels — Chapter 41
The Wheels So Far

This series has reached a pause. Even though the forty vehicles I’ve owned to date have all been covered, I don’t think that the My Wheels series is truly at an end. I suspect I’ll buy something else someday. It does, however, seem like a good time for a look back and a bit of a summary. Because of a goof in sequencing, the earliest and most recent chapters both featured bicycles. They are the only two bicycles in the series although I actually owned a couple of used bicycles prior to purchasing the J.C.Higgins. In between were five motorcycles, one truck, and thirty-two automobiles. The autos varied greatly in details, but all had four wheels as did the truck. Therefore, the current count of wheels in My Wheels is 146.

Despite being separated by nearly forty years, there was only one significant difference, other than color, between the two bicycles. The 1997 Schwinn has seven gears; The 1960 Higgins just one.

The motorcycles varied quite a bit for the small sample size. Three came from Japan, one from Germany, and one from the U.S.A. Three had chains, one a driveshaft, and one was belt-driven (with pedals). There were two inline twins, one boxer twin, and two single-cylinder models. There was even one 2-cycle in the mix. Color-wise there were two reds, one maroon, one black, and one blue. Each came from a different manufacturer: Whizzer, Honda, Suzuki, BMW, Yahama.

The lone truck was a gray Chevy van. Powered by a V8 with an automatic transmission, its crude self-made camper like interior held as many people as could tolerate sitting on the floor or the bed.

I’ve applied all the same grouping to the autos as I did with the motorcycles plus a couple of additions. I haven’t overrefined things. For country, I’ve used the country where the manufacturer is headquartered which might not be where the specific car was built. For capacity, I started with the idea of calling everything either 4 or 2 passenger even though some of the older cars with bench seats routinely handled 5 or 6 but quickly realized that I was really just dividing them on whether or not they had a rear seat. I also simplified body style categories. I did not distinguish between SUVs, station wagons, hatchbacks. or any more subtle variations. Anything with a top that folded or was removable is a convertible. Any fixed-roof car with a trunk and usable rear seat is a hardtop. With neither trunk or usable rear seat, it’s a coupe and with a rear seat but no trunk it’s a wagon. Yes, whether or not a rear seat is usable is a matter of opinion and in my opinion, the rear seats in ’94 Camaros and GEO Storms of any year are not generally usable.

Here’s the breakdown starting with characteristics having the fewest variations. There were 27 cars with rear seats and 5 without. 20 cars had four doors and 12 had two. 29 cars had their engine in the front while 3 were rear-engined. 22 cars were driven by the rear wheels, 7 by the front wheels, and 3 by all four.

15 Hardtop
7 Convertible
6 Wagon
4 Coupe

12 Blue
5 Red
4 Green
4 Gray
3 White
2 Black
1 Brown
1 Yellow

Engine (I=inline, F-flat, R=rotary)
9 V8
9 I4
6 I6
3 V6
2 F4
2 F6
1 R

Transmission (A=automatic, M=manual, CV=continously variable)
7 3A
6 3M
6 4M
6 5M
3 4A
2 6M
1 2A
1 CV

13 Chevrolet
3 Ford
2 Dodge
2 Mazda
2 Plymouth
2 Renault
2 Subaru
1 Acura
1 Audi
1 Austin-Healey
1 Buick
1 Mercury
1 Opel

22 USA
5 Japan
2 France
2 Germany
1 England

There have been more Chevys than anything else. The most common color has been blue. Based on history, my ideal car must be a blue rear-wheel-drive Chevy two-door hardtop with a V8 and automatic. There is exactly one car on the list that meets those specs. It’s the 1970 Chevelle castoff by my former mother-in-law that I owned for less than a year. I’d not thought of it as ideal when I owned it and I’m not buying into that now.

The blue Chevelle was, like so many I’ve owned, simply a car that was available and affordable when I needed one. The only exceptions are the two vehicles I ordered from the factory. All the others were either used or sitting on a lot after being built to someone else’s specifications. That those two built-to-order rides are almost as different from each other as possible is pretty good proof that there is no single ideal vehicle for most people. Ideals change.

The first vehicle I custom ordered was the 1979 truck. I was in my early thirties and my boys, although they did not live with me at the time, were eight and ten. I and several friends were into camping and that was the van’s purpose. It was fairly well-optioned in some respects. I checked off A/C, cruise, etc, but no interior options including radio. I installed my own sound system, replaced the single cargo van seat with a pair of captain’s chairs, and built out the empty space for camping.

It would be nearly twenty years before I’d fill out another order sheet. By then, the kids were grown and gone and I had moved from a four-bedroom house to a two-bedroom condo. The 1998 Corvette reflected that. I sprung for a convertible, 6-speed manual transmission (auto was standard), Z51 suspension, and upgraded sound and climate control systems. The van and the ‘Vette were both Chevys but their option lists looked nothing alike.

So this will be the last My Wheels chapter until a new vehicle comes along. It’s a series that isn’t published often (These forty-one chapters were spread over more than seven years.) so maybe that will happen before you even notice the pause but I think it’s going to be a while.

My Wheel chapters can be seen in total here or individually through the following links:
Chapter 1 1960 J. C. Higgins Flightliner
Chapter 2 1948/9 Whizzer
Chapter 3 1953 Chevrolet
Chapter 4 1954 Mercury
Chapter 5 1952 Ford
Chapter 6 1959 Chevrolet
Chapter 7 1961 Renault 4CV
Chapter 8 1957 Austin Healey
Chapter 9 Honda 65
Chapter 10 1964 Corvair
Chapter 11 1967 Dodge
Chapter 12 1961 Falcon
Chapter 13 1966 Suzuki
Chapter 14 1965 Barracuda
Chapter 15 1969 Opel Kadett
Chapter 16 1962 Chevy II
Chapter 17 1965 Corvair
Chapter 18 1971 Vega
Chapter 19 1970 Chevrolet Nova
Chapter 20 1972 Audi 100 LS
Chapter 21 1979 Chevrolet G10
Chapter 22 1970 Chevelle
Chapter 23 1972 BMW R75
Chapter 24 1983 Renault Alliance
Chapter 25 1985 Buick Century
Chapter 26 1986 Acura Legend
Chapter 27 1985 Mazda RX7
Chapter 28 1978? Yamaha 400
Chapter 29 1991 Geo Storm
Chapter 30 1992 Chevrolet Lumina
Chapter 31 1994 Chevrolet Camaro
Chapter 32 1986 Ford Bronco II
Chapter 33 1998 Chevrolet Corvette
Chapter 34 2003 Pontiac Vibe
Chapter 35 2006 Chevrolet Corvette
Chapter 36 1963 Plymouth Valiant
Chapter 37 2011 Subaru Forester
Chapter 38 2003 Mazda Miata
Chapter 39 2018 Subaru Forester
Chapter 40 1997 Schwinn

My Wheels — Chapter 40
1997 Schwinn

Since this vehicle is still a part of my fleet, I’m claiming that it’s OK to cover it now although it should have appeared in My Wheels Chapter 33. It arrived as a birthday gift about a year ahead of the 1998 Corvette that actually was the subject of Chapter 33. In conjunction with the Forester and Miata, it provides me a full range of passenger capacities: 4, 2, or 1. The photo at right was taken when the start of my first documented road trip, in the aforementioned Corvette, was delayed and I pedaled to the nearest watering hole to pass some time.

The bike was quite a surprise. My girlfriend and best buddy combined forces to select and purchase it. My girlfriend knew me and my buddy knew bicycles and the gift was exactly what I would have bought on my own had I been more familiar with the modern bicycle world. I had no desire to go racing or take long-distance slogs up the sides of mountains so the twenty-speed skinny-tired models I’d been seeing did not appeal to me. More importantly, the skinny seats that always seemed to sit too high above those skinny tires appealed to me even less.

The gift bike had none of that. It had fat tires and a fat seat on a frame that would have fit right in during the 1950s of my youth. Chrome fenders and white sidewall tires were perfect mates for the black and brown frame with the brown bearing a sort of faux wood grain pattern. As cool as all that sounds, there’s more. There is real magic in that bike. It’s in the rear axle. It’s a Shimano Nexus 7 Speed Hub with the workings all internal and controlled by a small handlebar-mounted shifter. The biggest magic of all, however, is the genuine pedal-backward-to-stop coaster brake. It wasn’t exactly a Pee Wee Herman bike but it was closer than most. When I rode my new bike past a nearby playground, a young boy shouted out, “Nice bike, mister.” Nothing could be finer.   

I moved into my current home when the bike was just a couple of months old. The pictured Fridays was more or less across the street and there was a Kroger grocery not far beyond. There was a Walmart at one end of the street and a convenience store and some restaurants at the other. Behind the Kroger was Kings Auto Mall which was basically a 3/4 mile loop lined with about a dozen auto dealers. In the other direction, my office was less than a mile away. I frequently used the bike to reach the restaurants and occasionally did some shopping on it with the aid of a small backpack. I rode it to work several times but not as much as I should have. Days that were warm enough to allow riding the bike were usually warm enough to work up a sweat which didn’t seem like a good way to start a day at the office. My favorite place to ride was the auto mall. Traffic was fairly light and I could easily pedal through the lots to look over cars and window stickers. Conversations with salesmen happened now and then but they were never quite sure whether or not I was actually a potential customer.

The picture at left shows the Schwinn in roughly the same spot as in the opening photo. The Fridays was demolished and replaced by a LongHorn Steakhouse. The Walmart turned into a JCPenney and the convenience store has been replaced by a fast-food restaurant. The auto mall is doing well as evidenced by a Toyota dealer having taken over the Kroger store. Actually, the whole neighborhood is basically doing well. Naturally, some businesses have closed over the years but they’ve been quickly replaced. There is overall growth in both the commercial and residential aspects of the community. And in the traffic.

I ride the Schwinn very little these days. There are many reasons but traffic is one of the biggest. The Fields Ertle exit of I-71, where I live, is often cited as one of the most congested spots in the Cincinnati area and much of that congestion has developed during my time here. On top of the gradual increase from the population and business growth, there was a major step input from a new Procter & Gamble complex about two miles north of me. Major highway improvements have helped the flow of trucks and autos but not bicycles. Even the once rather quiet auto mall loop now has significant traffic and is no longer very relaxing. Getting there isn’t relaxing at all.

So I usually pump up the tires in the spring, as I did this week, and cruise through a few parking lots before returning the bike to its spot in the garage and letting the tires again go flat. There is a bike trail not far away and it’s certainly fair to ask why I don’t use it more often. The truth is the only reason I have is laziness. It is often overcrowded on weekends but not so much during the week. I have a cheap rack that takes some effort to mount on the car and more effort to get the bike secured on it. Maybe if I had a better rack that was easier to use I’d hit the trail more often but I’m too cheap to buy one. So maybe I have two reasons for avoiding the bike trail: I’m cheap and I’m lazy. But I’m honest.

My Previous Wheels: Chapter 39 — 2018 Subaru Forester

My Wheels — Chapter 39
2018 Subaru Forester

The closing sentence of the  My Wheels chapter for my previous practical car spoke of trading the recently battered 2011 Forester. The Subaru had been quite good to me and I’d had every intention of continuing to drive it for several more years. Instead, that battering caused me to move to an updated and differently colored version. Reminiscent of the move that replaced the red 1998 Corvette with a blue 2006 model, the red 2011 Forester was replaced with a blue 2018. However, not only is a 4-door SUV quite unlike a 2-door sports car, the two blues are worlds apart. The Corvette’s Daytona Blue was kind of exciting. The Forester’s Quartz Blue Pearl is kind of boring.

My first documented trip in the 2011 Subaru included a stop in Columbus, Ohio, where I had the clever (to me) idea of photographing the car under a Denny’s sign. So naturally (to me) I thought I should do the same thing with the 2018 car. That turned out to be much easier said than done. It seems the Denny’s restaurant chain has fallen on hard times and reduced their presence considerably. There are none left near Cincinnati and only one in Columbus and it lacks the big elevated sign I sought. The picture above was taken at a restaurant near Terre Haute, Indiana. Unlike the similar shot of the red Forester, it was not taken on the car’s first trip but on its second most recent, number eleven.

The red Subaru made its first documented trip just about a week after acquisition. The blue one was in my position for over four months before it was so honored and it would be another four months before it actually appeared in a trip journal. It was the middle of July 2017 when I stopped at the dealer with the scrunched and scratched red Forester thinking it might be close enough to the end of the model year to find a bargain. To my surprise, there wasn’t a single 2017 Forester left on the lot and only a few of other models. I didn’t get the close-out deal I’d hoped for but I did get a deal that was reasonable and put me in a 2018 vehicle when 2017 was barely half over.

I believe the new car stood at approximately the same point in Forester model ranking as the previous one had but it had seven years worth of new bells and whistles. Some, like the rearview camera and adaptive cruise control, I appreciated almost immediately, and it took just one road-crossing deer to convince me that the pre-collision braking was a good thing. The lane departure warning eventually won me over but I’m still not a fan of Lane Keep Assist which tries to keep you from departing a lane without signaling. Fortunately, in my opinion, this latter feature defaults off. 

My first trip after the swap was with an uncle and cousin and used the cousin’s Cadillac. The next trip journal involved the Society for Commercial Archeology in Cincinnati where most of the miles were covered in a tour bus. Then there was a trip in the Miata before the Subaru was put to use on a Thanksgiving trip to Tennessee. It also carried me on a Christmas trip that reached into Georgia and an early April trip to Pittsburgh, PA. It served to mark the “Prev” and “Next” links on the daily pages for those three trips but was otherwise out of sight. It finally broke cover on the late April end-to-end drive of the Jefferson Highway. There was a shot of it all clean and shiny at a car wash in Winnepeg, Canada, then the shot at left of the still clean car about to start down the first of many unpaved sections of the JH. A similar view of the car was incorporated into the cover of a book resulting from that trip, Jefferson Highway All the Way.

With the exception of a fly and drive trip that involved a rental car, The Forester has handled every trip since that 2017 Thanksgiving outing. It hasn’t appeared in a lot of pictures, though, and I suspect it has something to do with that “kind of boring” Quartz Blue Pearl paint. On the 2018 Christmas trip, I caught it in a nighttime shot at South 21 Drive In in Charlotte, NC. In April, it posed in Kentucky at the Cave City Motel as I headed to the Jefferson Highway Conference in Natchitoches, LA.

In June of 2019, on my way to the Lincoln Highway Association conference in Wyoming, I stopped by one of my favorite gas stations in Grand Island, NE. This was my first time at Kensinger Service since the 2016 passing of long-time owner Dick Grudzinski. I missed out on what is still a full-service operation by arriving after the day’s closing. That’s just one of the reasons this is not my favorite picture of the station. It might, however, be my favorite picture of the car.

To date, the blue Subby has carried me on an even dozen documented road trips and, as a very active member of my current two-car fleet, I expect it to carry me on many more. That’s assuming, of course, that I can avoid being stopped at the wrong light at the wrong time.

My Previous Wheels: Chapter 38 — 2003 Mazda Miata
My Next Wheels: Chapter 40 — 1997 Schwinn

My Wheels — Chapter 38
2003 Mazda Miata

Driving a fifty-year-old convertible is great fun; Not so, at least for me, maintaining one. As reported in its own My Wheels chapter, the 1963 Valiant was sold not long after it completed its mission of carrying me over the full length of the Lincoln Highway. I’d already put some thought into what its replacement would be and did some looking as I waited for the Valiant to sell. I wanted something open and fun to drive like my most recent “play” cars but without the repair frequency of the Valiant or the repair expense of the Corvettes. A Mazda Miata seemed to fit my desires quite nicely.

By pure — and extremely lucky — coincidence, a friend and fellow Lincoln Highway fan was downsizing the family fleet and looking to sell his own “play” car. I met Mike and Nancy Hocker at the next Ohio Lincoln Highway gathering, test drove their 2003 Miata, and, after a couple of phone calls and a little negotiation, bought the car a few weeks later. Two owners had preceded the Hockers and apparently all three had used the car for short sunny summer day outings. At eleven years of age, its odometer registered just 37.500 miles; Barely 3,400 a year, 12,500 per owner. I would change that.

I bought the car in early May. The photo at the top of this article was taken on May 21 in the middle of its first trip. It was a three-day outing along the Wonderland Way across Indiana and into Illinois. The picture at left is from its second, somewhat more ambitious trip, a month later. The destination was a Route 66 festival in Kingman, AZ, which would have been a reasonably long drive by itself but I chose to enhance it a bit. I entered Kingman from the west after driving the full length of the Old Spanish Trail from Saint Augustine, FL, to San Diego, CA. The picture was taken near Milton, FL. That trip totaled nearly 7,000 miles which put the car’s miles-since-purchase at about 10,000. I was obviously screwing up its yearly average and the mile-per-owner average didn’t look very safe either. 

To date, the Miata has taken me on nine documented road trips. I still own it and the count will almost certainly increase. Both photos at right are from a 2015 trip to Maine. The first is outside my motel room in Littleton, NH. The second is outside my motel room in Ellsworth, ME. When I bought the car, it was wearing 18-inch wheels with 35 series tires. When it came time to replace the tires, I did the wheels too so they are now 16-inch with 45 series tires.

In the previous My Wheels chapter, I mentioned that I got estimates on repairs to its subject car from a body shop I had experience with. That experience was with this car. I had actually intended to take the Miata on the trip where the Forester got roughed up but it was still in the shop from its own encounter. I was about half a mile from home waiting on a light in the left turn lane. I was the third or fourth car in the line and the non-turn lane to the right was empty. The driver of the Jeep Grand Cherokee immediately in front of me decided that going straight was a better idea than turning left and moved to change lanes. I hit the horn as soon as I saw the backup lights come on so the impact was a slow one but a tow hook on the Jeep still poked a fair-sized hole in the Miata. The Jeep owner accepted responsibility without question and the shop did a nice job on repairs, but that little incident is why it was the Subaru that I took to get slapped around in Virginia.    

I’ve now owned the car for five years or nearly a third of its life. Its mileage has more than doubled to just over 80,000. Problems have been rare and costs have been reasonable. It handles like a go-kart and the 5-speed manual seems just right. The 142 HP is enough. I liken it to an Austin Healey that doesn’t leak oil and actually starts when it’s raining. It is a near perfect play car for an old man who knows that it’s a lot more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow.

My Previous Wheels: Chapter 37 — 2011 Subaru Forester
My Next Wheels: Chapter 39 — 2018 Subaru Forester

My Wheels — Chapter 37
2011 Subaru Forester

Acquiring the 1963 Valiant triggered an overall shuffle in the stable. The two-car garage at my condominium was already filled and the Valiant was clearly not a good replacement for either of the occupants. In fact, it would never become a truly active member of the fleet. Even at its highest level of roadworthiness during my ownership, it required a certain amount of gentle handling and respect for its age. In the beginning, it needed more than that which is how I got away with having three cars for a short while. The Valiant lived offsite getting a new top and other repairs.

During that time, I joked about my 3-V fleet but apparently I never did get a picture of them all together. The Vibe, ‘Vette, and Valiant lineup only existed a few months. By mid-April, the ‘Vette and Vibe had been converted into a Subaru Forester. The Vibe went first and it was the sale of the Corvette that triggered the previously arranged purchase of the Subaru. I continued making bad letter-oriented jokes by pointing out that I’d traded capital-P performance for capital-P practicality.

The Forester really was very practical, and it needed to be as the road trip workhorse. The opening photo is from its first road trip in April of 2011 when it was still new enough to be running temporary tags with the dealer’s filler in the front. A couple of months later, I would drive it to the Lincoln Highway Conference in Tahoe using a lot of Lincoln Highway to get there. That included the pictured unpaved stretch near Orr’s Rance in Utah. I can’t say for certain whether I would or would not have attempted that in a Corvette, but knowing how far away the next pavement was, it seems unlikely. I would have almost certainly tackled it in the Vibe and don’t doubt it would have done just fine. But there wasn’t even a pause to think about it with the Subaru. This is the sort of road it was made for.

It would eventually carry me on 34 documented road trips, second only to the 2006 Corvette. Between April 2011 and May 2014, it handled every road trip except one with a rental and the two Lincoln Highway related outings that were the reason for the Valiant to exist. With over 110,000 miles on the odometer, the Forester and I set out on that 2016 record-breaking drive to Alaska. I got it to pose when we reached the Alaska Highway and used it as a protective camera stand for various wildlife viewings. The entire 11,108-mile trip was essentially trouble-free.

Oil consumption had gone up during the Alaska trip but that was solved with head gasket replacement when I got home. A year later, with 140,000+ miles on the clock, it was performing wonderfully on a trip through Virginia and Maryland. In Harrisburg, VA, a Honda struck me from behind as I sat at a stop light. It didn’t look too bad, and the car was drivable, but I knew it wasn’t going to buff out. Three days later, I returned to the car in a museum parking lot to find a scrap running the length of the left rear door. The Honda driver had instantly taken responsibility and we exchanged our information. Whoever got intimate with my door had simply vanished. I finished the trip then visited a nearby body shop I had some experience with. Repairs would run a few thousand dollars or more depending on what was found when the exhaust was examined. Of course, I was responsible for only part of that, but regardless of whose pocket the money came out of, the end result would be a car worth not a whole lot more than the cost of repair. I had been quite happy driving a six-year-old car with more than 140,000 miles but there’s not much market value in cars like that. I went straight from the body shop to the dealer and traded for a car that will appear in just a couple of chapters.

My Previous Wheels: Chapter 36 1963 Plymouth Valiant
My Next Wheels: Chapter 38 2003 Mazda Miata

My Wheels — Chapter 36
1963 Plymouth Valiant

Among my “road trip cars”, this one holds a very special place. Several special places, in fact. It is the oldest car I ever used on a road trip, and it is the only car acquired specifically for a road trip. It is also the car that participated in the least road trips. I drove it on just one journey other than the one for which it was purchased. It is one of only two “road trip cars” purchased used, and the other one was acquired specifically to replace the Valiant. Despite its limited participation in the activity that is this website’s reason to exist, it’s significance to the site is at least as large as any of the other cars.

The trip for which the Valiant was purchased was a full-length drive of the Lincoln Highway in its centennial year. The model year was chosen so that it would be exactly half the highway’s age at the time of the drive. The picture at the top of this article is of the car in storage where I saw it initially. The pictures at left show the car when I first got it home and in the shop getting a new top.

The big Lincoln Highway drive was centered around the 2013 Lincoln Highway Association Conference in Kearney, Nebraska. The 2012 LHA Conference was held in Canton, Ohio, and I used it for something of a shakedown cruise. The picture at right shows the car at the 2012 trip’s beginning. The journal for the seven-day outing is here.

The Lincoln Highway ran coast to coast connecting New York City with San Francisco. The first picture shows the car in Weehawken, New Jersey, where a ferry from NYC would have delivered Lincoln Highway drivers in 1913. The second picture was taken near the highway’s midpoint in Nebraska and the third at its western terminus in San Francisco, California. The journal for that outing is here. It includes a section, The Ride, which covers finding and preparing the Valiant.

The Valiant also holds the distinction of being owned for the least amount of time of any of the “road trip cars” except for (at the moment) my latest purchase. I bought it December 18, 2010, and sold it April 28, 2014. I sure had fun with the car, and pulling up to that marker in San Francisco was one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever done. But I’m not really the sort of guy to keep a car like that running; The Oklahoman who bought it is.

In addition to appearing in those two trip journals (Lincoln Highway Conference 2012 and Lincoln Highway Centennial Caravan), the bright red convertible was the lead character in a book. I had to both write and publish the book to make that happen but it did happen. That book, By Mopar to the Golden Gate, is available through eBay and Amazon.

My Previous Wheels: Chapter 35 — 2006 Chevrolet Corvette
My Next Wheels: Chapter 37 — 2011 Subaru Forester

My Wheels — Chapter 35 2006 Chevrolet Corvette

I experimented with running away from home for a holiday by spending Thanksgiving of 2005 in Nashville, Tennessee. It went so well that I ran away for both Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2006. I’ve rarely had a shortage of things to be thankful for, and in autumn of 2006 one of those things was a new car. The reverseless 1998 Corvette had made it home from Illinois but hopes of a full recovery were dim. No one outside the dealer even wanted to discuss opening the transmission and no one there seemed overly eager — or competent. Replacing it wasn’t a very promising solution either. Used gear boxes of the appropriate flavor were in short supply and dearly priced let alone the problem of finding someone to do the swap. I half jokingly asked the dealer to give me a price on a leftover blue coupe and he came back with a completely serious, and surprisingly reasonable, offer. It was an offer I could, but didn’t, refuse. I purchased the pictured car in early October and introduced it to road-tripping later in the month. It got warm enough on the way home from Thanksgiving in Bryson City, North Carolina, to get some topless photos in Kentucky’s Levi Jackson State Park. The full trip journal is here.

It was the blue ‘Vette that, one month later, carried me over the length of the Natchez Trace Parkway after a Christmas in Natchez, Mississippi, and those two trips were just the beginning. It seems the rate of my road-tripping had increased a bit, and this car participated in a total of thirty-six documented trips over the next four and a half years. At present, that’s the most of any car I’ve owned.

This car took me not only on my initial Christmas Escape Run but on all but one of the Christmas trips I made while I owned it. After Natchez, came New Orleans then Gibsonton, Florida, then Lubbock, Texas. On the way north from New Orleans in 2007, road fan and Hudson guru Alex Burr joined me for the Jacksonville, Mississippi, to Memphis, Tennessee, segment. In 2008, I continued on to Key West after Christmas in Gibsonton. You’ll note that all of these destinations are to the south as is proper for December drives in low clearance cars. The idea was to get away from the cold and snow and that worked rather well with a single exception.

I retired in November of 2009, and that put me in a position to drive to the western end of US-62 which I’d been putting off because of the time required. That trip journal is here. Even though the trip encompassed Christmas Day, exactly where I spent it wasn’t all that important. I reached Altus, Oklahoma, the evening of the 23rd with thoughts of driving to Lubbock, Texas, the next day. Morning saw those thoughts change significantly. Snow had moved in overnight and was now accumulating. The picture at left was taken about 9:00 AM. Oklahoma City, just over a hundred miles north east of Altus, would ultimately get a record 14 inches and the airport would eventually close. It was then I had a minor epiphany: It didn’t matter. I was retired and didn’t have to be back at work on some rapidly approaching Monday morning or any other morning. Other than adding expense, extending my trip by a day or two or more didn’t really hurt. I walked to the office and booked another night.

I was prepared to hang out in Altus a bit longer, but when morning came, the road to Lubbock was reported clear. I drove, cautiously, to Lubbock on Christmas Day. The big attraction for me, the Buddy Holly Center, was closed, of course, but I could and did visit Holly’s grave. I visited the center early the next day then headed on to Carlsbad, New Mexico. At a stop near Carlsbad, I noticed some snow in the grill and snapped the picture at right. At the time, I didn’t get down to study it at all closely but I would eventually discover things that had me replaying the graveside visit in my mind.

At five inches, the snowfall in Lubbock had also set a record. There is, understandably, no snow handling equipment around so the snow essentially stays where it falls or drifts until it melts. A one lane path to and past Holly’s grave had been quite passable with bare gravel alternating with patches of snow a few inches deep at most. After stopping at the grave, I’d driven on, found a place to turn around, then returned along the same path. When I saw a car heading my way on the road I’d entered on, I drove on past and turned at the next intersection. I immediately knew that was a mistake. The snow had drifted several inches deep here and the road was covered for several yards. I also knew it would be a mistake to stop. Maintaining my momentum was my best hope so I plowed — literally — ahead. I believed I had escaped unscathed but eventually realized that the snow had cracked the hinged air dam and slightly damaged some of the tubing directing air to the brakes. All was repaired, at reasonable cost, when I got home.

The only other incident with this car that could qualify as a misadventure occurred just a few days later on the same trip. I picked up (and foolishly pulled out) a nail in a front tire. Because waiting for a matching Goodyear would have required several days, I ended up buying a pair of Michelins in order to avoid mismatched tires on an axle. I rode home with the old undamaged front tire in a giant plastic bag. It was still in the bag and went with the car when I sold it.

My Previous Wheels: Chapter 34 — 2003 Pontiac Vibe
My Next Wheels: Chapter 36 — 1963 Plymouth Valiant

My Wheels — Chapter 34
2003 Pontiac Vibe

This was the car that replaced the Bronco II when its dependability decreased and my dependency on it increased. In addition to providing reliable year-round transportation, I wanted something that could occasionally serve as a sleeping platform as the Bronco had. Part of my shopping ritual was climbing in the back of any candidate to see if I could stretch out. As you can see, the Vibe worked out fairly well for that.

Having a second vehicle that I wasn’t afraid to drive for long distances meant that the Corvette did not have to carry road trip duty all by itself. The little Pontiac wasn’t heavily used in long trips but it did take part in sixteen documented outings. However, not being a particularly glamorous vehicle, it did not show up in many pictures. Both photos included here were taken on a SCCA race weekend when I was proving to someone that I really did sleep in the car.

As mentioned, the car was not glamorous. Nor was it fast, a great handler, super comfortable, or overly capable in snow. But it was adequate in all those departments, and it was a Toyota Matrix at heart, so it was wonderfully reliable. I got a little more than a hundred thousand miles out of it, and by the last report, its third owner is nearing 180,000 after replacing the clutch.

The Vibe didn’t give me much trouble or many stories. I guess the closest thing to a problem was finding the battery dead on three occasions when it was left outside overnight in quite cold temperatures. Online research led me to a possible cause. There was no on/off switch for the headlights. They operated automatically. It was reported that something in the mechanism could freeze up, turn them on in error, and drain the battery. It was suggested that leaving the high beams selected (there was a switch for that) might keep that from happening. I started doing that and never had the problem again but can’t be certain that was the reason.

The list of complaints was almost non-existent but there weren’t many standout features either. There was the legendary Toyota Corolla reliability, of course, and the surprisingly usable interior space. There was an AC outlet that came in handy for charging things and now and then using a laptop computer. Seat height was something I came to appreciate over time. For the Corvette, entry and exit was a matter of falling in and climbing out. It was the reverse for the Bronco. The Vibe seat seemed just right for easily stepping out for a few pictures then just as easily stepping back in.

As I hinted, a non-glamorous, highly reliable car is simply not a great source for stories. Looking through the trip reports turned up just one significant mention of the Vibe. It involved the Tail of the Dragon on the TN-NC border. You may recognize the name; if so, you’ll know that it consists of 318 curves packed into 11 miles. It’s a fun north-to-south downhill challenge for motorcycles and sports cars on sunny days. I drove the Vibe south-to-north uphill in the rain. It just ain’t the same.

My Previous Wheels: Chapter 33 — 1998 Chevrolet Corvette
My Next Wheels: Chapter 35 — 2006 Chevrolet Corvette


My Wheels — Chapter 33
1998 Chevrolet Corvette

You’re a single male, you’re fifty, and your nest is empty. It’s time to order a red convertible. Right? Actually, when those conditions were first met, I ordered a silver coupe. For the first time in fourteen years, a totally new Chevrolet Corvette was introduced for 1997 and I ordered one in June. The car was initially in short supply and the dealer I chose was not a strong believer in the FIFO system of order fulfillment. As details of the next model year began to emerge with my car still unscheduled and my deposit check still uncashed, I canceled the order and went elsewhere to signup for a 1998 model.

A convertible had been added to the lineup for ’98, and by then I’d seen enough ’97 ‘Vettes to get hooked on the Light Carmine Red Metallic color. That’s what I ordered along with the 6-speed manual, Z51 suspension, and museum delivery I’d checked off on the coupe. Thinking of starting the summer off right, I asked for mid-March delivery. As you can see by the time stamp on the museum delivery area photo, they nailed it.

Museum delivery was not nearly as popular or as finely choreographed then as it is now. Today you are introduced to your car as it sits in a line of others scheduled for delivery on the same day, then a museum employee drives it outside before handing it over. In 1998, a day with a scheduled delivery wasn’t all that common, and a day with two was almost rare. My delivery was the second of the day, and the other car was still in place during my guided museum tour. I’d fortunately been told about this before the tour began so that I didn’t go into complete shock when it was time for the big reveal. My car was rolled in after the tour for photos and hand-off.

Back in the last century, new owners drove their new cars out of the museum if desired. The fellow ahead of me chose not to which is why his car was still there during my tour. I, on the other hand, wasn’t about to miss this opportunity. I’d ordered the car without so much as a test ride and the first time I was ever in a moving C5 was when I drove mine out of the museum with my girlfriend in the passenger seat. In the nearly empty lot, I “christened” the car with no name with a few drops of the champagne John had brought along before the bottle was emptied by the three adult members of the Vehicle Acquisition Team.

A fairly recent blog post touched on the cars I’ve used in my documented road trips, and pointed out that the My Wheels series of posts was closing in on them. This is the car that carried me on the first thirteen of those trips, and it actually has a lot to do with this website and that documentation even existing. When I started compiling a list of cars and the trips they’ve been on, I expected this car to have the highest count. I owned it longer than any other of my “road trip cars” and, even though there was another car in the stable during all of those eight and a half years, for the majority of that time the other car was not exactly road trip worthy. Of the 150 trips documented at the time of this writing, fifteen used a rental car or no car at all. Of the remaining 135, the 1998 Corvette was involved in thirty-three. That’s a respectable number but it’s not the highest. In fact, it was topped by two other cars that will eventually appear in this series.

So most of this car’s story is already on this website in the journals of those thirty-three trips from my very first documented trip, when I drove it into a canyon in Arizona, to the car’s last trip, where I discovered that I had no reverse after crossing the Chain of Rocks Bridge.

Those might sound more like low-lights than high-lights but, as John said after the canyon episode, “That’s how you get stories.” This car helped me get a lot of stories. And a lot of pictures. One picture, taken five days before that Arizona off-road excursion, has been a key part of this website ever since. It shows the Corvette on the Route 66 “sidewalk highway” near Miami, Oklahoma. With variously levels of cropping, it has constantly been the primary image on the site’s home page from the day it first appeared. It is also the basis for the site’s favicon (), and it’s been in a movie.

In 2005’s Elizabethtown, Kirsten Dunst surprises Orlando Bloom with a binder filled with maps, brochures, and general tips for a cross country road trip. My 1999 photo is pasted on the cover and appears on the big screen for a second or so. Guess I’m still due 14:59 of fame.

My Previous Wheels: Chapter 32 — 1986 Ford Bronco II
My Next Wheels: Chapter 34 — 2003 Pontiac Vibe

My Wheels — Chapter 32
1986 Ford Bronco II

The Camaro was great fun to drive — mostly. On those fairly infrequent Cincinnati snow days, it was not. Well, maybe it was sometimes fun in a perverse slip-sliding-away sort of way, but it sure wasn’t relaxing. After one winter with it as my only vehicle, I went shopping for something a bit more winter friendly. The result was a very experienced V6 5-speed 1986 Eddie Bauer Edition Ford Bronco II.

The Eddie Bauer package included several amenities that made it a near luxury vehicle. It was instantly recognizable by the tan (regardless of base color) lower body trim. Seats and upholstery were special and a premium sound system and power windows and locks were included. My new acquisition had once been a rather prestigious ride. The operative word in that sentence is “been”.

The odometer showed a little more than 10,000 miles but no one would have even briefly thought that accurate. In those days of five digit odometers, this one had clearly passed through its full range at least once. The description that quickly developed was “Everything you absolutely need works. Anything you don’t absolutely need doesn’t”.

When I first got the car, the power door unlocks worked. The lock side of the option had already quit functioning but I could initially unlock both doors with the push of a button. That didn’t last long. Lights for the speedometer and some other gauges worked but other dashboard illumination, such as that for the radio, did not. The dark radio dial was hardly an issue since the premium audio had pretty much quit functioning before I ever saw it. It wasn’t entirely dead, though, and a friend who borrowed the car (It made a good loaner.) described turning it on and listening to a faint but clear broadcast with the volume cranked all the way up. The system’s full capabilities were miraculously restored, and the car filled with ear piercing music, by a bump in the road. It didn’t last long, and another bump soon silenced things completely.

In the photo, the rear door is kept from dropping onto Chris’ head by a wooden dowel as the struts had stopped doing their job long before. I was somewhat surprised and extremely grateful that the power windows fell on the “absolutely needed” side of the great divide. Since air conditioning was apparently not “absolutely needed”, and therefore not working, I appreciated being able to roll down the windows in the summer but it did make me nervous. Having them fail while open and a monsoon approaching seemed almost inevitable but it never happened.

The starter failed a couple of times but even there I was personally lucky. Not so Chris. For me, it failed on pavement within walking distance of home. For her, it happened on a narrow road bordered by snow and mud.

The Bronco was key to making the hundred mile drive to my parents in the winter and as Dad’s health deteriorated its reliability became a concern. I replaced it in 2003 and gave it to my daughter. She had another car but the Bronco’s four wheel drive helped her get to work when snow hit. She lived and worked in town so there was no risk of being stranded on an isolated country road. As I recall, she junked it after one winter.

My Previous Wheels: Chapter 31 — 1994 Chevrolet Camaro
My Next Wheels: Chapter 33 — 1998 Chevrolet Corvette