Discovering Ansel Adams at the Cincinnati Art Museum

I post a lot of pictures on the internet, and occasionally, someone will say something nice about one of them. Any photo of mine that is worthy of a compliment is invariably the result of me accidentally being in the right place at the right time. Just like Ansel Adams — except for the “accidentally” part. The remarkable landscape photos that Adams became famous for were almost always the result of significant study to determine just what the right spot and right time were and usually some significant effort in getting there. The Discovering Ansel Adams exhibit contains plenty of those famous landscapes along with many of his lesser-known works.

The exhibit begins with items from the not-yet-famous part of his life. In addition to family snapshots and letters, one display contains a compass and some light meters used in the complementary “getting there” and “getting the shot” aspects of Adams’ work. The leftmost picture on the wall is the earliest landscape photo by Adams in the exhibit and probably the only one that is fairly well known with the word “inadvertently” in a description from Adams himself. Taken on his very first visit to Yosemite with his parents, the photo and description are here.

Black and white photos from large format cameras are most commonly associated with Adams and those make up the bulk of the exhibit. Many, but not all, are of various national parks. A couple of photos are accompanied by display cases holding backlit negatives and associated laboratory notes.

To support his fine art tendencies, Adams did a fair amount of commercial work including some in color. He even took pictures of people now and then and sometimes used small handheld cameras instead of bulky tripod-supported boxes. Sometimes, he even took pictures for his own enjoyment. Several things we don’t normally associate with Ansel Adams are associated with this photo of Georgia O’Keeffe and Orville Cox, described here, that shows the same crisp detail seen in his large-format people-less landscape work.

Copies of several of the books that Adams authored or contributed to are available to leaf through as part of the exhibit. I spent some time in one of those padded chairs reading bits from The Camera. The exhibit runs through January 19, 2025.

I also took in CAMaraderie: Artists of the Cincinnati Art Museum while I was at the museum. This impressive exhibit is comprised of numerous works of art from members of the museum staff. It runs through January 5, 2025.    

TG ’24

I did it again. I dunno, maybe I’m in a rut. I see that last year I had thoughts of Thanksgiving dinner at an Ohio or Indiana state park but waited too long to make reservations. I wrote that only the meal, and not an overnight stay, was actually considered for Ohio so maybe the lodges had already priced themselves out of contention. They certainly had this year, which made me drop them from consideration for the meal so quickly that I can’t say whether or not I would have been too late. But I did pick an Indiana park and I did make a call only to learn that the meal was sold out. Thankfully, Kentucky was there for me once again. BTW, one way of producing a washed-out photo such as this is to grab a camera last used for shooting in the dark and start snapping away without so much as a glance at sensitivity settings and such.

I again picked a park I had never been to in a part of the state that I was pretty unfamiliar with as well. Buckhorn Lake State Resort Park lies about 75 crow miles southeast of Lexington. I decided to reach Lexington on a semi-official Dixie Highway alignment, then head to the park on new-to-me back roads. I feared that the Log Cabin Inn would be closed on Thanksgiving Day but it was serving breakfast and had a sold-out dinner planned for later. Today I learned that the dog-trot cabin that forms the oldest part of the restaurant was moved here from Bardstown in the late 1800s. There’s a giant fireplace in each half of the original cabin and some good advice over the bar.

I called this section of Dixie Highway that passes through Falmouth, KY, while connecting Cincinnati and Lexington, “semi-official” because it was included as an alternate path then the Dixie Highway Association disbanded before an official choice was made between it and the original alignment through Florence, KY. Most of the route has been taken over by KY-17 and US-27 and become quite modern looking but some still looks much like it did when it was the DH. Some of the locals seemed mildly interested in my passing, though others could not care less.

That 75 crow miles between Lexington and Buckhorn Lake State Park became a little more than 110 road miles most of which looked like this. I thoroughly enjoyed the drive but there was near-constant — mostly quite light — rain and I did not take many pictures.

My scheduling was far from precise but at one point it looked like I was going to reach the park with nearly an hour to spare. Then I missed a turn. By the time I realized it and backtracked, all my cushion was gone. I reached the lodge at 3:31 for my 3:30 — last of the day — seating. The girl at the desk correctly guessed my name and I hurried downstairs to the dining room. The platters weren’t overflowing but there was still plenty of turkey, ham, and catfish plus most of the trimmings. Stuffing, it seems, had been depleted before I got there. I avoided a more significant disappointment with a preemptive strike. The dessert area was in full view from my table with the pie table filled with pumpkin and pecan pie when I sat down. At some point, I looked over to see the pumpkin pie side still well populated with just one piece of pecan left. I altered my plans just a bit to park that piece of pecan pie beside my plate while I finished the rest of my meal.

I now had time to check into my room in the lodge. It included a balcony which I’m sure offered a very nice view during warmer months. In late November, it simply let me verify that the pool was closed for the season and so too, apparently, was the lake.

Of course, it was too cold to sit on that balcony and really too cold to explore the park. I did return to the lobby to grab a shot of the Christmas tree and a clearer view of the lake at “low tide”.

As I headed out in the morning, I did a little exploring in the warm dry car which suited me much better than on foot in yesterday’s cold and damp. I’ve assumed that the low lake is an annual thing but don’t really know that and wish now that I had asked. I did not see any black bears but did read the instructions. I did see some other visitors. Only a few rooms were occupied in the lodge last night but a whole bunch of cabins had at least one car parked nearby. State parks are a pretty good place for families to spend holidays.

Then it was quite a few more miles of the sort of road that finished up yesterday but without the rain. One of these pictures was taken inside the Daniel Boone National Forest and the other just outside it. Hard to tell the difference, eh?

Breakfast was in Hazard at France’s Diner. Good food, good people, and a little local history on the walls.

I finally made it to the Mother Goose Inn in Hazard. It was built as a market and has been a store, a B&B, and a private residence but I couldn’t tell you what it is now.

I backtracked just a little from Hazard to pick up the Hal Rogers Parkway and head back into the Daniel Boone National Forest. I left it at London to head north on the Dixie Highway. Following one DH alignment to Lexington to start the trip then taking the DH back to Lexington and following another alignment back to Cincinnati seemed rather natural to me but it makes that Kentucky Thanksgiving rut I mentioned a little more obvious. Two years ago, I didn’t even do a Thanksgiving meal but spent the day driving this pair of DH alignments in Kentucky. The blog entry is here.

I paused to take a picture from the Clay’s Ferry Overlook and another at the 1871 bridge below. I contacted owner Jay Webb when I realized I would be coming by the overlook and, although we did not connect today, I do think we will be meeting here around Christmas.

Just a few miles north of the river, a large brontosaurus stands alone in an empty field watching traffic. About a quarter mile away, a smaller version uses a shed as a viewing platform. I assume they are somehow connected but what they are watching for is a mystery.

When I drove these two Dixie Highway alignments in 2022, I did them in the reverse order but that’s not the only difference. I could not cross the Roebling suspension bridge southbound because it was closed for a foot race that has since relocated to TQL Stadium. I did not cross it northbound because a slight detour prompted me to abandon the DH in the dark. This year, it was the historic Dixie Highway and the even more historic John A. Roebling Bridge both going and coming.

African American History along the Cincinnati Riverfront

I took this Harriet Beecher Stowe House walking tour last Saturday with the idea that it would be the subject of last Sunday’s blog post but it was not. I told myself there wasn’t enough time to create a post for Sunday morning, which was certainly one reason, but another reason was that I felt slightly disappointed in the tour. I should not have. The problem was my expectations were off. For no good reason, I had thought we would visit spots where historic things happened but with just a little more thought I realized how ridiculous that was—the Cincinnati riverfront of 2024 bares little resemblance to the riverfront of the past. The tour took us to places where historic things are commemorated. I enjoyed the tour as it happened and now appreciate it with the passage of a little time.

We met tour guide Zinnia Stewart by the statue of John Roebling near the south end of the bridge that bears his name. Other than a meeting point, the statue plays no role in the tour. Neither does the bridge as anything other than a walkway across the river. I chose the particular opening photo that I did because it mimics the photo that has appeared at the front of this blog since the beginning. Its purpose is to show the river of the tour’s title. Dredging, dams, and other feats of engineering have made the Ohio River consistently navigable for large barges which is something it was not in the days when it separated the free North from the slaveholding South.

The tour began by heading east along the river to a statue representing James Bradley. We were supplied with small wireless (Bluetooth I assume) listening devices so that we could easily hear Stewart as we walked. Bradley was abducted from Africa and worked as a slave until he was able to buy his own freedom in 1833. He then moved to Cincinnati and was the only former slave participating in the pivotal Lane Debates of 1834.

We then headed west past the Roebling Bridge to the string of Robert Dafford murals on the riverfront and stopped at The Flight of the Garner Family. In 1856, Margaret Garner escaped from slavery by crossing the frozen Ohio River with her husband and children. They were captured in Cincinnati and Margaret killed her daughter to save her from a life of slavery. She was prevented from killing herself and her other children as planned. Toni Morrison’s Beloved was inspired by these events.

It was now time to cross the river ourselves. I had taken that opening picture of the River Queen during our visit to the murals and now caught it from the middle of the Roebling Bridge after it turned and headed back. We stopped twice while crossing as Stewart shared stories and photos of people and places along both sides of the river.

On the Ohio side, I spent more time at the Black Brigade Monument than I have ever spent before, and as a result, I know I need to spend a lot more time here in the future. I simply did not realize the many facets of this monument that it seems I’ve only glanced at before. One bit of information that made the whole tour worthwhile is that William Mallory, who was instrumental in getting the monument constructed, was the model for the face of Black Brigade member Marshall P.H. Jones. I thought I knew the story of the Black Brigade but, just like the memorial, there is a lot more for me to learn.

Our last stop was at this statue of politician Marian Spencer. Spencer left her mark on the area in many ways but she is probably best remembered for her efforts to desegregate Coney Island Amusement Park.

Trip Peek #143
Trip #166
LHA 2022 Conference

This picture is from my Lincoln Highway Association 2022 Conference trip. COVID-19 had put in-person conferences on hold for a couple of years and the LHA ended the hold with this conference in Joliet, IL. Between Lincoln Highway and Route 66 events, I was familiar with many of the highway-related points of interest in the area but I had never been inside the Old Joliet Prison which appeared in “The Blues Brothers” movie. The photo at right was taken inside the East Cell House. Besides the prison, tours included the Rialto and Egyptian Theaters, which I had seen before, and a farm, winery, and museum, which were new to me. Of course, there were some interesting presentations and tasty meals in between all that.

Trip Peeks are short articles published when my world is too busy or too boring for a current events piece to be completed in time for the Sunday posting. In addition to a photo thumbnail from a completed road trip, each Peek includes a brief description of that photo plus links to the full-sized photo and the associated trip journal.

Some Setbacks Are Unavoidable

The About page for this blog says its topics might include “just about anything other than politics or religion”, and I have been pretty successful in keeping religion out of my blog and my life — less so politics. I’m pretty sure this post is the most blatant breaking of my own rule yet, but during a week when the internet is awash in political posts, perhaps no one will even notice.

Around Independence Day this year, I revisited the document at the heart of the holiday and was struck by a sentence containing the words “character” and “tyrant”. So much so that I soon made it part of my Facebook cover photo which is shown here.

Last Sunday, I replaced my Facebook profile picture with the one at left which I had used previously on the anniversary of the pictured assault on our capitol. I had wanted to do that sooner but was traveling and chose to keep an “on the road” picture in place until I was home. My intention was to replace both pictures on the day after the election. The cover photo would go back to the picture of the 1923 version of the Pledge of Allegiance in the Indiana War Memorial Shrine Room that the Declaration of Independence quote replaced, and the profile picture would become one of my previously used “at home” pictures. That has not happened because the day after the election did not feel like the “return to normalcy” I had expected and hoped for. My plans for replacing them are uncertain.

When I changed my profile picture a week ago, I included this text: “There are many reasons to vote against Donald Trump but for me, his actions of January 6, 2021, and the intentions they revealed are, by themselves, more than enough.”

I don’t participate in political discussions in real life much more than I do online but in the few I have had during the last year or so, I have noted my feeling that the disregard for the rule of law and the workings of U.S. democracy Donald Trump showed that day made virtually every other consideration in the presidential election insignificant.

One commenter on the profile picture told me that I was the one being “gaslighted” and that Pelosi was to blame. Another claimed that the assault was planned by “the Dems”. The comments came from good people who I assume really believe what they say. Why is their view so different from mine? Why is my view of Donald Trump so different from that of the majority of voters in Tuesday’s election? I don’t know the full answer to that but do believe that what Heather Cox Richardson referred to as “the flood of disinformation that has plagued the U.S. for years now” is a big part of it. I do on occasion respond to someone sharing disinformation online by pointing to a source that refutes it. Common reactions are “I don’t trust that source” or “It doesn’t matter if that evidence is fake because I know something is going on”.

Incidentally, Richardson is someone I follow and respect. If you don’t follow her yourself and have room for one more analysis of the election, I suggest her Letters from an American of November 6.

With Trump’s clear victory on Tuesday, I confess to briefly questioning my view of the man but it was over in a flash. All it took was remembering how many members of his first administration, including a chief of staff and his own vice president, also consider him unfit for office.

This post’s title comes from President Joe Biden’s speech on November 7. I listened to it live and was struck by the phrase “Setbacks are unavoidable but giving up is unforgivable.” Others were too as it seems to be quoted in the bulk of reports on the speech. In the speech, Biden, mentions some of his successes such as infrastructure investment and the seemingly unappreciated “soft landing” from high inflation. Understandably, he did not mention failures. The biggest, in my opinion, was the failure to quickly and aggressively prosecute Donald Trump for his words and actions related to that 2021 attack on the capitol. I agree, Joe, that we probably can’t avoid all setbacks. But I do think we could have avoided this one.

Trip Peek #142
Trip #37
An Autumn Place

This picture is from my 2005 An Autumn Place trip. This started with an invitation from Pat Bremer to join the Impala SS Club for a visit to A Summer Place. This is the recreated 1950s town where the Bremer’s wedding had taken place just a couple of years earlier. The Parke County Covered Bridge Festival happened to be going on at the same time so since I was halfway there, I decided to do that too and make it a three-day trip.

Trip Peeks are short articles published when my world is too busy or too boring for a current events piece to be completed in time for the Sunday posting. In addition to a photo thumbnail from a completed road trip, each Peek includes a brief description of that photo plus links to the full-sized photo and the associated trip journal.

Route 66 Miles of Possibility 2024

This is just about as last minute as it is possible to get. I registered Monday night, booked my room Tuesday night, and started driving toward the conference  Wednesday morning. Trip announcement posts such as this are typically made when the first day’s journal is posted but not this time. That journal entry is not yet posted and neither is the journal for the final day of the preceding trip. Those things will eventually happen but for now, my real and cyber worlds are out of synch in a slightly different way than normal.

This entry lets blog-only subscribers know about the trip and provides a place for comments. The journal is here.

Trip Peek #141
Trip #128
Clinching the Dixie

This picture is from my 2015 Clinching the Dixie trip. The basis for the trip was a Cincinnati Miata Club drive to Indianapolis but the name comes from what would happen after I reached Indianapolis. I had recently reached the point where the only part of the Dixie Highway I had yet to drive was the stretch between Indianapolis and Chicago, and the Miata outing seemed like the perfect prelude to wrapping it up. Club activities included visits to a couple of museums, a few meals, and one overnight. I spent a second night in the city after meeting friends for dinner. Google Maps says Indianapolis to Chicago is a three-hour trip but driving the Dixie Highway, with a couple of side trips thrown in, was a three-day affair. Cloud Gate (a.k.a., The Bean) is just a little bit beyond the Dixie Highway terminus in Chicago.

Trip Peeks are short articles published when my world is too busy or too boring for a current events piece to be completed in time for the Sunday posting. In addition to a photo thumbnail from a completed road trip, each Peek includes a brief description of that photo plus links to the full-sized photo and the associated trip journal.

Trip Peek #140
Trip #14
Arizona Triangle Fish

This picture is from my 2003 Arizona Triangle Fish trip. This was a short personal trip tacked onto the end of a business trip to Phoenix, AZ. When the business trip was scheduled, I asked online for suggestions for the personal part of the trip, and Ken Turmel responded with the idea of an east-west-south drive that he called a “Triangle Adventure Trip”. When I plotted the route, it looked kind of like a fish to me, and thus the name. The picture is of Salt River Canyon on the eastbound US-60 leg. The westbound leg took me to the Wigwam Village in Holbrook on US-66. US-89 took me south through Sedona and Jerome.

Trip Peeks are short articles published when my world is too busy or too boring for a current events piece to be completed in time for the Sunday posting. In addition to a photo thumbnail from a completed road trip, each Peek includes a brief description of that photo plus links to the full-sized photo and the associated trip journal.

Trip Peek #139
Trip #107
Sixty-Six: E2E & F2F

This picture is from my 2012 Sixty-Six: E2E & F2F trip. Most of you will probably recognize Route 66 legend Angel Delgadillo standing behind me. This was my third end-to-end drive of Historic Route 66 and that is what the E2E in the title stands for. The F2F stands for “friend to friend”. This being my third full-length drive of the route, there were quite a few people along the way that I considered friends and to whom I could say hello. The Route 66 portion started with a Chicago tour conducted by the late David Clark with a Scott Piotrowski tour of Los Angeles at the other end. One purpose of the trip was to attend the Route 66 Festival in Victorville, CA, and I followed that with a visit with my son in San Diego then headed home through Tombstone, AZ, Roswell, NM, Gene Autry, OK, Hot Springs, AR, and several other interesting places.

This was the most visited trip journal when it first appeared in 2012. It also ranked number one in 2021 and 2023 and stands second in the 2024 rankings at the time of this Trip Peek posting.

Trip Peeks are short articles published when my world is too busy or too boring for a current events piece to be completed in time for the Sunday posting. In addition to a photo thumbnail from a completed road trip, each Peek includes a brief description of that photo plus links to the full-sized photo and the associated trip journal.